Chapter 28 - Bear-san Goes To The Lord's House

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It was the afternoon of the day after I received the request, and I was standing a slight distance from the Lord's mansion.

It seemed like I would be noticed by the soldier standing at the front gate if I went any closer.

I had a hunch that I would be interrogated if I was found.

Even though the gate soldier for the lord's mansion didn't do anything, he gave me such a feeling.

It was an unavoidable hassle.

I gave up and walked towards the gate.

Even when the gate guard caught sight of me, his line of sight remained fixed straight ahead and did not waver.

He was still looking straight ahead when I arrived.

Somehow, it was an unpleasant gaze.

「What business do you have?」

「I am Yuna, the adventurer. I was called here by the Lord.」

「Were you...」

He looked at me as if he was licking me all over.

「I've heard about your situation. For confirmation, please hand over your guild card.」

Unexpectedly, it seemed like the gate guard was well-informed about me.

With this setting, I thought there would be trouble.

Well, at least the Lord wasn't an idiot who would invite me and forget to inform the gate guard, huh.

After the guard finished confirming the guild card, I was led to the front door of the mansion.

When I arrived at the door, a maid-san in her early 20s took over.

This was the first time I had seen a maid here.

She was wearing a black maid uniform.

As expected, they exist, huh.

If a maid lover saw this, they would rejoice, right?

I thought it was cute but, unfortunately, I don't have that attribute.

Maid-san walked silently through the mansion, stopped in front of a door, and knocked.

「Cliff-sama, I've brought the adventurer, Yuna-san.」

A voice from within called out, "Come in."

「Pardon me.」

Maid-san opened the door and urged me to enter the room.

After I obediently entered the room, the door was closed behind me.

Maid-san didn't come in.

The room was wide and contained a large desk, a large table, and a sofa.

The room seemed like an office.

The inhabitant of the room was a man in his late thirties, sitting in front of the large desk.

「I'm sorry, but please feel free to sit on the sofa over there.」

I obediently sat.

「You really do look like a bear.」

The man came over and sat on the opposite end of the sofa.

As he looked at me, an amused smile appeared on the man's face.

As expected, he was a shitty noble after all.

「If you called me just to make a mockery of me, I'm going home.」

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