Chapter 17 - Bear-san Gets A Scolding And Rank D

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After I had completed the Goblin King subjugation, and while I was still receiving requests from the guild, I began to conduct various experiments.

The application of magic, the methods for magic imaging, and confirming the power of bear magic.

How to use the Goblin King's sword, how to input magic.

How to use throwing knives.

Confirming the offensive and defensive power of the Bear.

Confirming the limitations, size, and other properties of the Bear Box.

While conducting these various experiments, a week passed.

Even today, I put the wolf I had used for an experiment back into the Bear Box when I finished.

Then, let's go report to the guild.

「Yuna-san, you "only" have wolves today as well?」

Why is it that the "only" part of the sentence has such a strong emphasis...?

「That's right.」


「...Why do you ask such a thing?」

「Recently, many of the adventurers who were taking subjugation requests came back unable to fulfill their requests.」


「I was told that, even if they headed out early, there were no monsters to be found.」


「A village submitted an orc subjugation request, without knowing that the orcs had already disappeared.」


「Adventurers went on a kobold subjugation, but there were no kobolds.」


「Adventurers went on a horned rabbit subjugation, but couldn't find any.」


「This kind of thing hasn't happened just one or two times. Do you happen to know anything?」

Eyes full of suspicion were directed at me.

The answer to that question is [YES].

I knew everything, even the name of the culprit who had subdued everything recently.

The defeated demons had been stowed away into the Bear Box.

「Is that so? The adventurers who received the requests sure are pitiful.」

Helen-san, who had been feigning ignorance, let out a big sigh.

「I was also told that, before the subjugations, a girl wearing a cute black bear costume was sighted quite a few times. Do you know anything about this?」

She silently looked at me in the eyes.

Even though I really wanted to look away, I endured it.

「Is it possible that my appearance is now popular?」

「Isn't that situation obviously impossible! The person who appeared is Yuna-san, of course! You're the only one like this!」

「If you already knew, wasn't it fine to just say so from the start?」

「The guild master told me to summon you when you came.」

「Why? It's not like I'm stealing anyone's subjugation request. I just happened to be walking around there and demons just happened to appear, so I defeated them.」

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