Chapter 56 - Bear-san Gets Involved With Noa's Big Sister!

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I heard the sound of someone running somewhere.


The footsteps were gradually coming closer.


The person who came running over dove into Noa.


「Noa-chan, I wanted to see you!」

A woman rubbed her cheek with Noa's.

She had beautiful golden hair, just like Noa's.

She only looked slightly older than 25, so she was young, especially for being Noa's mother.

Their features looked similar too.

The heck, at exactly what age did you give birth to Noa?

「So then, is Cliff not here?」

The woman surveyed the surroundings.

「Father is still working back in town. He told me to come here first, by myself.」

「Is that so? It's good that you arrived safely. So then, are you going to introduce me to that child dressed in interesting-looking clothes?」

It was the first time someone had said that I looked interesting.

I had already been told that I looked strange in the past.

Both had good and bad points.

「This person who looks like a bear is the adventurer, Yuna-san. She was my escort to the Royal Capital. This person is Fina. A bear friend.」

What is that? That "fellow bear companion" kind of friend.

「I am Yuna, an adventurer. Nice to meet you.」

「I am Fina. I came along with Big Sis Yuna.」

「Oh my, what cute children. Let's not stay out here, come inside.」

「But, mother, how did you know that I was in the Royal Capital?」

「Ah, I told the gate guards to notify me if you or Cliff came, you see. That's why, when you came, I immediately dropped my work and rushed over.」

Is it really okay for you to just up and leave your work like that?

「Now, come inside and let me hear all about your journey.」

After we entered the large and expansive mansion, we were taken to the parlor.

「I'll show you to your rooms later. For now, please take a seat.」

We sat down on the sofa and a maid brought drinks.

I hadn't had anything to drink for a while, so I received my drink gratefully.

Umu, it was cold and delicious.

I sipped at my drink as I turned towards Eleanora-san once more.

「Eleanora-sama, this is something that Cliff-sama entrusted me to bring.」

I took the Goblin King's Sword and the letter out of the Bear Box.

「From that person? What is it, I wonder?」

Eleanora-san opened the letter and began to read it.

「This is a Goblin King's Sword, isn't it? He sure was able to prepare quite an unusual thing. Moreover, you were the one who provided it, huh?」

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