Chapter 10

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Perri was outside the studios at 12.45. He had given Vanessa the excuse that he had to meet his Diversity team for lunch, she seemed a little suspicious, but it was a plausible reason so she couldn't object. It would give her a chance to meet with Rory, he thought, he didn't seem to like the studios, well if the fact he didn't seem to be around was anything to go by. He didn't want to risk this perfect chance he had to get to know Laura by telling anyone anyway, he was jinxing things as it is because his lucky socks were in his dressing room for tonight. He had his huge black puffa jacket on, in case Laura forgot his hoody, which wouldn't cut it anyway since it was about 5 degrees outside. He hopped on the spot to keep warm and resisted pulling his hands out of his pockets to play with his phone. If he didn't read it, she couldn't message him and cancel. He tried to recall her reaction when he asked her to lunch. He was trying his hardest to act like the men he'd seen in films who always got the girl. Even though he had thousands of instagram and twitter followers, many of whom declared their love for him on a daily basis, he didn't see himself as attractive, not like Ashley or Jord was. Each time the door opened, his heart somersaulted in his chest, then fell through his diaphragm as it turned out to be cast or crew.

The door opened again and he forced himself not to look, he was getting queasy from all the nerves. He felt a small pressure on his arm making him spin round.

"Hi" Laura said nervously. Perri momentarily forgot how to talk. In the winter sunlight, her eyes were a brilliant sapphire blue.

"You made it!" He said finally. "And you're dressed properly" he added, in an attempt to cover his gawping. She chuckled and handed him his hoody.

"Thanks for this earlier." She said as Perri took his jacket back.

"You're welcome." He replied, he transferred the garment between his hands for a moment while he thought of what to say next, he eventually pulled his coat off, held it between his knees and put the jacket on before putting the coat back on. Laura watched on, amused. Perri started to walk and Laura followed. "I've borrowed the production pool car!" he announced proudly.

"How did you manage that?" She asked genuinely impressed.

"I have my contacts." he said in a mock New York accent. He unlocked the car and opened the passenger side door bowing ridiculously low earning yet another chuckle, he was on a roll.

He drove to a country pub about fifteen minutes from the studio. As he parked the car he felt the familiar signs of nerves again. He had got her here, he had made her laugh, now what? She opened her door before he could, she gave him a little look which reminded him of Beyoncé in single ladies. She's independent...noted. They walked into the pub and he was relieved that no one took much notice of him. The handful of men standing by the bar noticed Laura though. Of course they would, even in casual clothes and no makeup she was stunning he thought.

They took a seat by the window and he picked up the menu, handing her one at the same time. "What do you fancy?" He asked. Laura browsed the laminated card for a moment before making her choice.

"I think I'll have a steak wrap" she mused standing up. Perri looked horrified.

"What are you doing?" He asked, a bit too loud as some of the drinkers looked up from their pints to see if a drama was about to unfold. Laura remembered he was a vegetarian and thought she was about to get lectured for eating meat. He took hold of her forearm to stop her moving any closer to the bar. "There's no way I am letting you pay, so you can sit back down missy" He added. His grip was very soft but he was ready to apply a little more pressure if she tried to do anything other than sit back down.

"Oh, Ok, thank you" She said, moving back to her seat to Perri's relief. "I owe you twice now." She smiled. She had a soft northern accent but it was also posh. Once Perri was satisfied she was going to stay put, he took her drink order and headed to the bar.

Laura watched him disappear behind two lads and pulled out her phone, she tapped out a quick message.

[He's buying me lunch!]

Almost immediately after a message chimed back, she checked he was still ordering before reading

[OMFG He's fit and buying you lunch?! Sis you lucky bitch]

She chuckled at her sister's message, she was dramatic by trade and by nature. She switched her phone to silent as she knew her sister would be demanding regular updates, but she didn't really know what to say. It wasn't every day she ate out with a famous person.

Perri returned with two cokes and a table sign.

"I hope your boyfriend won't mind me borrowing you for company." He asked. Laura realised he was fishing of course.

"He won't mind because he doesn't exist." She looked at him as she said it, searching for clues in his facial expression. When she didn't find one she decided to ask outright.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Perri held his breath as he fiddled with the table sign.

"Hopefully soon...." He replied. The statement hung in the air as neither knew how to follow it. Laura eventually broke the ice.

"I've been too busy to see anyone outside DOI." It was her turn to look down. "and staff aren't allowed to date contestants or professionals." A waitress brought over two plates and set them down on their table. Perri pondered on what she had said as he tucked into his halloumi wrap. Did she not want to date? He couldn't tell.

"I suppose that makes sense," he conceded. He did not want to appear too eager. It took all his willpower to not smile when she said she was single. He took a sip of his coke to hide any disappointment his face might show.

"Are you looking forward to tonight?" she asked.

"Absolutely not" he stated. "I'm terrified." Laura looked shocked.

"Why, I've seen you. you're brilliant." Perri blushed a deep shade of red. The heat emanating from his face would have probably melted the ice.

"Thank you" he stammered. She smiled at his reaction, she had made Perri Kiely, Diversity superstar blush like a schoolgirl. She didn't keep the power for long though. Perri fixed his eyes firmly on hers and leaned across the table to whisper.

"My lucky charm had best be watching me then." It was Laura's turn to blush.

The conversation flowed easily, she wasn't star struck and he adored that about her, she wasn't full of herself either, just quietly confident. He was encouraged by their lunch, she laughed in all the right places, she asked questions and listened to his answers. He wanted to know so much about her but there was not enough time.

"We have to get back, Vanessa will kill me if I'm late" he smiled sadly.

They stepped outside and put their coats on before getting back into the car. Perri didn't start the engine though.

"I really enjoyed talking to you Laura." Her stomach flipped at the sound of him saying her name. "Do you think we could do it again? It could be our secret lunch outings?" he stopped himself from calling it a date. Perri had made his move and Laura was checked. She really did like the idea of spending more lunch times with him. He was funny and friendly and she really couldn't ignore how handsome he was. At the same time she wasn't sure of his intentions. He must have women throwing themselves at him, why choose her? Was it some sort of challenge, or worse, was it a bet? Or did he collect women like some people collect stamps. Then there was her job. She had spent four years at university learning her craft and was given this incredible opportunity to start her dream career. Should she risk it all for a gorgeous guy who would probably drop her as soon as he got bored? She hadn't realised how long she had spent thinking his proposal over until he interrupted her thoughts.

"Or am I that hideous you never want to set eyes on me again?" he joked, tears of a clown sprang to his mind.

"I'd like to do it again," She replied reflexively. Perri started the car.

"That's settled then" he said happily as he drove back to the studios. He felt like he had won the lottery.

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