Chapter 7

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Perri had survived the briefing, just. He lay in his bed thinking about it as he had done for several mornings and nights now. He remembered not daring to talk to Laura again, the last thing he wanted was for her to get in trouble or worse, never see her again because they thought she was pestering him. But he hadn't seen her all week so here he was, his eyes burning because he couldn't sleep for worry. The thought of not seeing her again filled him with panic, he had touched her, his lips had brushed her ear for a moment, that brief but delicious contact was not ever going to be enough. He dragged his tired body up from his bed, showered and got dressed. He cantered down the stairs and picked up his rucksack and a second bag. His car was waiting for him as he opened the front door, he could see Vanessa waiting for him, they weren't going to Bovingdon today so there was no chance of seeing Laura, the thought depressed him a little.

"Morning" Perri mumbled as he sat beside her and closed the car door, he hated the bad air between them, apart from the fact they had a competition to do, it physically hurt when someone he considered close was not happy with him. He handed her the bag.

"Morning" she replied in a questioning tone as she pulled the bag open. She peaked inside and gasped. It was a huge pack of her favourite sweets. "What's this for?" she squealed diving straight in and unwrapping one.

"Because you deserve it for having to train me." He replied, he leaned over and laid his head on her lap and looked up at her blinking slowly.

"I swear you were a cat in a past life!" she laughed squeezing him with her free hand. "Thank you Perri, that's very sweet of you." He sat up and smiled, already feeling much better than he had for days. "I'm excited to meet the boys again" she told him.

"It's gonna be sick, we might even teach you a routine." He replied, snatching a sweet from her hand.

"Hey," she yelled trying to grab it back but he stretched his arm out of her reach.

They fought over the sweets the whole way to Dagenham. Their driver chuckled as he opened the door. "You two are like my kids!" he laughed.

"That's because she has a mental age of five" Perri said and ducked away from Vanessa's swipe. Perri led her through the main doors.

"Oooh this is nice" cooed Vanessa, Perri smiled proudly as he led through reception to another set of doors to the studio.

They were greeted by Ashley, Nathan and Sam as they bundled noisily through the studio door laughing.

"Oi oi Pel" shouted Sam flashing a double row of teeth as he walked over ready to spud his friend.

Ashley was furiously waving his arms around, or that's what it would look like to a non-dancer. He broke his concentration as the group approached and smiled widely at Vanessa.

"Heeeeey Vanessa" He greeted and pulled her into a hug. Ash introduced her to the two other dancers.

"Hello to you too" grouched Pel and let out an exaggerated huff.

"Sorry Pel! How you doin'?" Laughed Ashley "The rest of the guys have gone to get breakfast." Vanessa looked green at the thought of more food, she'd eaten half of Perri's sweets. Ashley looked over at the door. "Rory not with you today?" he asked. Vanessa looked even more green.

"He's not coming today, no" she answered.

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen him for a while, is he working" he prodded. Vanessa turned on the spot lifting her bag.

"Er probably" she replied cryptically. "Where shall I put this?" She asked, desperate to change the subject. Ashley looked at her as if weighing up whether to press the issue and decided against it. He took her bag and placed it with the others under the spiral stairs.

"So come on, show us what you got for the Christmas special" he asked.

"Ash, I know you're getting on a bit", Perri said slowly, "but notice that we're not at an ice rink," he said pointing to the floor." Sam laughed which earned him a smack on the back of his head from Ashley.

"I know that smart arse!" show us a lift or something. Perri looked at Vanessa who was shaking her head.

"You're a judge you can't see our stuff until the night!" she explained.

"I'm not scoring you at Christmas!" he protested, eyebrows raised. The other dancers arrived saving Vanessa from finding another excuse.

"Gang, gang" yelled Mitch.

"Bidness" yelled Perri, Vanessa looked between them like they had just started speaking Italian.

Jordan dropped three massive brown paper bags on a side table "Brekkie!" Perri ran over to the table.

"Did you get my text?"

"Yes Pel, I've got you and V's order"

"YASSSS" Perri dived into the nearest bag and started rummaging. As Ash introduced the rest of the team. The group sat on chairs and inhaled their food. Vanessa hadn't even started her egg wrap, she was still queasy. She pushed it closer to Perri, who took a big mouthful. Perri was doing a combination of lazy slouching and man-spreading, he always acted a bit more macho at the studios, Vanessa rested her legs on his encroaching thigh as she fed him more of her wrap. Ashley watched them quietly.

The dancers cleared the wrappers away and started to stretch. "Where are your toilets?" Vanessa asked, Nathan pointed to the door at the back of the room.

"Over there hunny" he sang.

As soon as Vanessa left the room Ash pulled Perri up from his chair and took him to one side. "So, Pel...Vanessa or Laura?"

First Encounter (A Perri Kiely story)Where stories live. Discover now