Chapter 21

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Laura had cried all night. She tried to cover up the evidence with foundation, but no make-up in the world can hide bloodshot eyes. He had insisted on meeting her in her flat after her flatmates had gone to work. She hadn't told them about what happened, she hadn't told anyone. She thought about how she would break up with him. Just thinking about it hurt her heart. She wished she could have made the location a public place, he still had the ability to get what he wanted even in the wrong she thought irritably. She wanted to channel more thoughts like that, she needed to stay mad with him, she knew the moment he walked through that door her resolve would start to disintegrate.

Her flat door buzzed and she nearly dropped her coffee. She pressed the button to speak.


"It's me."

She buzzed him up and took 5 deep breaths to steady her nerves. She let him knock on her front door. She would usually bound over to open it and excitedly watch him come down the hallway. She opened the door and gripped the door handle whitening her knuckles. He looked absolutely beautiful. He was wearing her favourite outfit and shoes. He opted for his more subtle tortoiseshell glasses and of course he smelled amazing to her. He always did. He wasn't smiling or frowning, his face was neutral but his eyes were wide and sorrowful. Laura wondered whether he had practiced this contrite face in the mirror.

"Come in" she said stepping back to allow him past. He silently walked in and stood in the middle of the room looking lost. "Give me your you want a drink?" She had forgotten she was meant to be mad, but also it gave her something to focus on. She busied herself in the kitchen making a green tea and trying to centre herself again. She needed to find some fire.

"So, have you had enough time to come up with an excuse?" she asked as she handed him his tea. He looked up at her like she had poured the scalding liquid on his lap. She could see his hands were shaking and a chink in her armour appeared.

"I don't have an excuse," he started, he was trying to keep himself calm too she noted. "I know I was wrong, and I'm really sorry." She looked straight at him as he apologised.

"Is that it?" she asked, her voice hard, her northern accent stronger than he has heard before. Perri looked at her, she had never seen fear in his expression before. She pressed home her advantage. "All those cosy sessions rehearsing have never ended like that then?" It felt so painful to even say it, she didn't actually want to hear his reply in case it was true.

"I don't know why we kissed, I've never kissed her before, I think maybe, it could have been the moment, we were both very emotional." He put his mug down on a side table and stood up. Laura moved backwards almost stumbling in her haste to avoid him being too close. He followed though and when her back hit a wall and she had nowhere else to go he began to talk again. "I don't want to lose you Laura, I want you and only you." He said. His voice was even but his eyes were begging. He didn't touch her, or trap her, she was free to step out to the side or brush past him, but she stayed still, pinned by the strength of her boiling emotions. She mustered as much energy as she could to retort. Another rapidly expanding fissure appeared in her armour.

"I don't want to be one of those women who wonder if her boyfriend is going to be in the papers with another girl. I don't need you because you're rich and famous Perri. I was happy on my own starting my career." Her voice was wavering, and tears had started to fall. "If you want to play the field go ahead, but don't expect me to sit at home waiting for you." At that point, Perri felt like he had to step in. He took hold of her shoulders and gently shook her as he repeated his words.

"I want you and only you." He had no idea how to make her understand, so he stood there holding her probably too tightly, but he was not about to let her go.

Laura stood in his death grip, she couldn't do much else as he held her so firmly. She wanted to believe him, she looked at him and really wanted to be with him, but how could she trust him now? The dam broke and pained sobs exploded from her body. Perri pulled her into his chest and held her stroking her hair. She had only known this man for a half a year but he felt like her whole world. He felt like he could be her future.

"I love you so much." The words burst out of Perri. Laura took a sharp intake of breath.

"What did you say?" she asked. Perri peeled Laura from his body so he could look straight at her.

"I said I love you." She was grateful for his hold as she wasn't sure she would remain upright.

"Are you just saying that to get out of trouble?" She asked suspiciously. Perri looked sheepish.

"It looks that way doesn't? But I have been feeling it for a while I didn't know when to say it or who should say it first...." He trailed off as he saw Laura laughing. That's progress he thought. He took his chance. He was still holding her shoulders so he pulled them back towards him and kissed her. He waited to see if she would pull away or hit him. But she did neither, so he kissed her harder. Laura's armour had completely dissolved. She gave in to his kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. Perri wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up still kissing her and carried her into her bedroom. He laid her carefully on the bed and lay on top of her, keeping his weight on his elbows.

"Are you sure about this?" He rasped. Laura brought her lips to his ear.

"Absolutely" she whispered moving her arms from his neck to his back feeling his powerful muscles. He stared at her like he was starving and she was his favourite meal.

Perri's mouth crashed down on hers as he pressed more of his body on the young woman writhing beneath him. He lifted her jumper and kissed her neck and bare shoulders. He peeled her leggings and stroked her long, soft legs. Laura shivered and removed his top eager to kiss his broad chest. Soon they were completely naked, soon after that they put all thoughts of heartache behind them as they gave each other the most intimate of pleasure.

Hours later Perri's phone rang. He ignored the call, wincing as he was hoping Laura would stay asleep. He had spent the last hour just staring at her, he was so grateful for this second chance. She stirred awake though and when she saw that he was also up she propped herself on her elbow.

"I'll never hurt you again." Perri promised earnestly.

"You can't know that." Replied Laura, "but this is it, no more second chances." She threatened.

"Trust me I'm not going through that again" he scoffed putting his hands up in the air. He looked thoughtful for a moment. "We can go public if you want?" he asked. Laura looked horrified.

"No way, I don't want to be attacked by your fans, and I'm still employed with itv remember?" Perri nodded. "If it were up to me I'd shout it from the rooftops, some of the pros have started dropping hints."

"It might affect your chances of winning though," Laura said

"I don't care about winning," he said, "I'd rather have you than win any trophy, I'll probably fall on my arse in the final next week anyway." He told her.

He climbed out of bed and turned to Laura who was making whiny noises.

"I'm making us brunch", he checked his watch, "lunch, I'll be back with whatever your flatmates haven't already eaten." he laughed and headed out of her room.

"Hey Perri", called Laura, she smiled as he turned around with his eyebrows raised. "I love you too."

Fin. ❤️

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