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It felt like just yesterday when Kim Junkyu left his homeland to study abroad, precisely in Germany, where he had built a very special life and connection with the place, culture, and people. Germany was a second home to him, he even once had had no reason to return to South Korea because he already felt too comfortable being overseas. However, all of those intentions  changed in one night and Junkyu decided to pack all his belongings in a suitcase and return to South Korea after he finishing bachelor degree and attending graduation ceremony.

Coming back to where he came from, Junkyu was born in the midst of a harmonious and respected family in society. Sending Junkyu abroad to pursue better education (though South Korea owned one of the highest-rank universities in the world) was one of the many small things the Kim family did. The success of the growing family business of course would not last in eternety, but each of them understood their personal ambitions and knew how to survive on their own without having to constantly depend on the money the family business generates.

Therefore, a question arose from the Junkyu family: "Why a babysitter?"

In fact, the question did not only asked from Junkyu's family, who could clearly guarantee Junkyu's future in the family company or send Junkyu to study again to pursue a master's degree, but also from Junkyu's prospective employer who was genuinely confused by the young man's curriculum vitae, which showed that he came from a wealthy background and was well-educated.

It was twenty-eight minutes past three in the afternoon and Junkyu could be heard talking to someone in his bedroom. Actually, he did not receive guests during the day at all, let alone letting anyone into his room, except for the housemaid who brought coffee and snacks for him. It turned out that Junkyu was doing a Zoom video call with the Watanabe family, sort of doing an informal interview as well as introductions between the two parties.

The Watanabe family was encountered by Junkyu through an online nanny search site. Similar to Au Pair, but less formal, more familial, and private.

"But why be a baby sitter? Don't you want to go straight to work for a real company? You could get a great position in a top company with this kind of education." Mrs. Watanabe spoke, voicing his praise for Junkyu.

Meanwhile, the young man was flattered and chuckled before answering the question that had been given to him many times. "I definitely want to, but not now. I think it's good to take a break and explore more things through things that are not in line with my education, simply out of my comfort zone. Besides, I also like children, I think I will learn a lot from the experience of being a babysitter." Junkyu sounded excited and confident as he was talking to the mother of the Watanabe children, in a way that he was selling his quality as a human being despite of achieving great academic marks abroad.

"Then what attracted you to our family, or our daughter? What motivated you to contact us and offer to be a babysitter?"

"Mmm, when I was studying in Germany I became friends with a student from Japan and we became friends. Before starting college, my friend worked as an Au Pair for a Japanese family living in Germany. Even though he is not an Au Pair anymore, my friend is still very close to his former Au Pair family." Junkyu explained in such a happy tone, he even bared his teeth. "So to maintain the kinship, my friend often took me to visit his Au Pair family, eventually we became close too. From there I found an interest and want, at least once in my life, to experience being a babysitter before kicking into into my original lane."

"That is such an adorable experience, Junkyu-ssi. So you've had at least a glimpse of what it's like to live with a Japanese family." Mrs. Watanabe commented. "As you already know, we are living in a village. I understand that you are not going to stay for a long time with us because of your prospective career, but still, we expect you to give your best and take this as your chance learning with kids. Therefore, I must ask you to move into our house for effectiveness."

Honestly, Junkyu didn't mind at all to comply with the Watanabe family's request. According to the explanation on the family profile, Watanabe lives in a different city. Junkyu, the pragmatist from the lively and lively city of Seoul, wants to challenge himself once again by bringing himself up from his luxurious mansion. So he nodded his head and agreed to the request.

"No problem. Is there anything else I need to do to be a babysitter in your family?"

"We've talked about the most basic things. Hanami is a friendly and warm child, but she can be very curious and chatty. However, it seems that you will get along very well with Hanami."

Hearing the description of their daughter, Hanami, made Junkyu feel so excited and even more wishful about their first meeting. "I really want to be a good sitter for Hanami."

"In that case, I'll email you the agreement files. You can read everything first and ask if there is anything unclear. The rest, we'll talk about it when you already move here."

"All right. Thank you so much, Mrs. Watanabe. Looking forward to meet you soon!"

Their virtual conversation ended with full of positive hopes for the future. No wonder, since the beginning, Junkyu was a person who is very amiable, intelligent, and sociable. Junkyu was also famous for his good attitude, not spoiled even though he possessed abundant wealth passed down by his family. Who would reject such charming and hard worker boy like him?

Apart from the family who were still skeptical, questioning, and regretful about Junkyu's decision to become a babysitter, Junkyu was unyielding and unanimous in his ambitions. In the end, Junkyu got back to to pack his things and left the house with a passionately.

Namhae-gun was Junkyu's next destination, a small town in Gyeongsangnam-do province located quite far away from Seoul and standing on its own island. Despite the great distance from home, for Junkyu it was still not much. When he was eighteen years old, Junkyu flew alone to Germany to continue his education. Not only far away, the language and culture were also very different from what he knew in South Korea.

"Kim Junkyu-ssi!" A woman called Junkyu's name with a fairly high pitch of voice. As soon as he heard it, Junkyu immediately knew that it was Mrs. Watanabe. Beside Mrs. Watanabe, there was a middle-aged man who was most likely Mr. Watanabe and probably a ten to twelve year old girl who Junkyu assumed was Hanami. They walked in fast pace approaching the new baby sitter.

"Thank goodness you're here. How was your trip? Are you hungry?" asked Mr. Watanabe in a friendly and warm manner. Junkyu did not expect that he would be welcomed like a member of his own family.

"I'm fine. The trip was pretty tiring too, but thanks for picking me up, I feel better already. Now, you must be Watanabe Hanami. It's really nice to meet you!" Junkyu looked down and smiled to Hanami.

"Hello, I'm Hanami. Please take care of me." The little girl bowed politely while sharing the same positive energy as Junkyu's.

"It's my pleasure to meet you all."

"Unfortunately Haruto couldn't come with us because he had a private lesson, but don't worry, you'll meet him soon when we are home." Mrs Watanabe assured the young man in front of him, but instead of keeping his chin up, Junkyu's face frowned as he heard an unfamiliar name.


"Yes, Hanami's older brother. I think I forgot to mention him on my family profile and didn't mention a single thing about him as well. I think he is a few years younger than you, but I'm sure you both will get along well, too."

There, Junkyu was a bit shaken as he was just then informed about another family member that he didn't expect to exist in the Watanabe. One of the main reasons why Junkyu was attracted and keen on being Hanami's sister was because he thought Hanami would be the only child, so that there won't be any scenario where Junkyu had to divide his attention to two or more children, as he was still unexperienced. However, Mrs. Watanabe had already given a little description of Haruto, at least regarding age, so Junkyu could breathe easy.

"Then, let's go  home!"

To be continued.

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