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"You must kill him."

The silence was eerie, but it wasn't the first time that Haruto sewed his lips when he was thinking out loud. Meanwhile, the professor, who was standing in front of him, looked totally worked up when Haruto was being indifferent towards his words.

Less than ten people knew who Haruto was and they were uses to getting ignored by the youth, including his most trusted professor, the person who brought every possible knowledge into the house and nurtured the boy like his own flesh and blood. Yet, for the first time in 19 years of Haruto's life, Professor Kwon lost the desire to teach Haruto as he saw how bad and severe Haruto's sickness was. And his agony became worse because he knew Haruto too much.

"You know the rules."

Haruto was still silent.

"You must fulfill the promise in order to survive."

The Japanese youth crossed his arms on his chest, while his lowed body was fully covered by blanket on his bed. He glances towards the window and looked away, avoiding Mr. Kwon's teary and shaky gaze as much as possible. In the mean time, Haruto's head had been restless the whole day, starting from he woke up — feeling nauseous, headache, weak and perhaps dying, altogether — to receiving scolding from Mr. Kwon the second he stepped into his room. Surprisingly, he was prepared for that day and he knew Mr. Kwon would tell him off, for any reason other than he had to postpone the lesson.


"I don't want to kill him, professor." Frustrated, Haruto finally spoke up and laid a gaze towards the older man. "I don't want to kill him. How is that still not clear to you?"

"But the promise..." Heavy panting could be heard clearly between Mr. Kwon's words.

"Professor, I found him and it was such a blessing for me." Haruto looked down and his body gesture started to soften, meaning he had lose his power to remain stubborn. "I finally found someone I love, nineteen years and I finally figured out where my heart should anchor and when I'm with him, I've never felt so alive." Haruto's vibration began to shake stronger and it touched the professor's heart to weaken his knees.

It had been a long time since Mr. Kwon saw Haruto dropping tears, too long that he was unable to react properly, meanwhile Haruto had considered him as a father figure who spent much more time than his own biological parents. Professor Kwon smiled in pain, then brought himself closer to Haruto and patted his dark hair softly.

"It's my fault that I didn't realised you've grown so much." Mr. Kwon spoked half whispering.

"I don't want to kill him, Sir. I love him. I don't want to kill him." Haruto's head fell right onto Mr. Kwon's chest and without hesitation, Mr Kwon embraced the crying boy, providing comfort and security within his arms.

"You'll die if he lives." Professor said with regret.

"I want to stop it, I don't think I can do it anymore..." Haruto sounded suffocating. "Please Sir, help me. He means a lot to me, I don't want to hurt him, I love him and I want to be with him."

As Haruto kept muttering words about a certain person that he cherished so much, Professor Kwon didn't look too happy, though he was proud of Haruto and glad someone changed the youth's cold heart at last. However, the scales hadn't been well balanced yet and Mr Kwon still had a rough way ahead.

In some other place, Junkyu was talking to the Watanabe's parents about Hanami's wish of going to school. As expected, a lot of thoughts were put into consideration and Junkyu wouldn't be so surprised if his suggestion was rejected. He wouldn't even bother asking about the reason and explain about the advantage of sending their youngest to public school. Therefore he looked calm and preserved, he also tried hard to be articulate and didn't miss a single point, just like how he always did everything profesionally.

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