Hello (Author).

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So, this is kind of weird since I've been disappearing for a long time before coming back with a new story. Yes, I was in the brink of writing block and I've got so much things to do at uni and work simultaneously, so I couldn't really bring out my best effort (as if I had ever done that lol). But now that I am in exam phase (and usually the ideas always run smoothly at times like this, I don't know why), I want to use the opportunity and ability as wise as possible and start writing properly again.

First of all, I want to apologize in case I have done or written any errors in the story. I often don't notice the mistakes contained in my own writing and I haven't got any time to review and reread my own work, so please bear with me if there is any grammatical error or typo here and there *bows*. Also, just a friendly reminder that English is not my mother tongue, so you might find weird and confusing expression within the story. But, as long as you understand the plot and get the sense of the story, I suppose I've got nothing to worry about 💖 Still, I'm open for constructive criticism and input 🙇

Aaaand I want to express my gratitude to whoever is reading Behind Watanabe. I was a little bit insecure and unconfident to write this story, but you guys just came across this book and I am genuinely thankful and always motivated because of that. So again, thank you for taking some time to read Behind Watanabe. Much looooveee 💛💛

Now that I am into Treasure these days, I hope my writing about Junkyu and Haruto doesn't stray too far from their real personality and nature in the real world, although of course I'm writing fictional characters and storyline according to my imagination. It is actually not too hard writing about cold-reserved Haruto and energetic-cheerful Junkyu because we have seen them playing roles similar to this themseleves, but I was actually struggling when I wrote the latest chapter, thinking about Haruto was actually the one scaredy cat and Junkyu exactly the opposite, but I thought Junkyu being scared could be one of his catchy flaws after several chapters depicting how convenient and confidence he is with the new surrounding.

I will work hard to make this story even more interesting, until then please enjoy reading and supporting this book ^^ your read and votes mean a lot to me!

Whoever and wherever you are, stay healthy and make sure to always have proper meals. Summer is coming, whatever you are about to do or face, either exam, summer vacation, summer job, or preparing for a new chapter of life, I hope you are doing well and always happy! 💛

Take care!

Take care!

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With love,forbangnaldo 🦉

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With love,
forbangnaldo 🦉

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