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"Just take me. Take my life."

"No, the price is too high."

"I'll pay for it, and I'll pay it with my life, if I have to."

"But the boy needs you. Haruto needs you."

"No. He already found someone who he needs most and it is not me. So please, just take my life. I love Haruto more than his parents do. I'm sure of that. Because if they did, they wouldn't let them suffer this much. Please, I'm begging you, just take my life and the boy shall live in peace."

"There's no turning back from this."

"No, I don't intend to turn back either. I want Haruto to live his life to the fullest. I want him to live with someone he loves."















Everything happened at once and Junkyu was seemingly unable to manage the chaos that he didn't even intentionally put himself into. No one saw the worst coming, but Junkyu should have noticed the signs when the living room suddenly became a turmoil, or when he received the letter that night in his room, an anonymous letter that was written by an unknown person, asking him to play with them. The house itself was never safe at the first place and the family had always been the mastermind behind all the horror, despite the fact that they were forced to do it for the sake of their beloved son, many people still died in that house.

"Oh God..." Junkyu was coldsweating after he hung up the phone, immediately leaning onto the table to support himself. "How... how did they survive this? How could this happen?" 

At that time, Junkyu no longer knew who he should side with, could no longer distinguish between what was right and what was wrong. Everything was jumbled together and his brain nearly exploded due to the overloaded information and occurence. Until that second, Junkyu still hoped that what Asahi said was a lie, that everything was just a nightmare. However, the more he tried to dodge reality, the more evidence emerged.

"Seoul. I must go to Seoul."

Just as he was about to leave the house, all the windows and doors in the house slammed shut, as if some invisible force had seized Junkyu, forbidding him to leave the house.

"P-please, please don't do this to me." Junkyu covered his ears and closed his eyes.

The atmosphere in the house suddenly turned cold. Junkyu's body got goosebumps when a blow of wind stabbed his back and neck from behind. The lights in the living room went out along with the items in there that broke one by one, piece by piece, adding up the sinister surrounding Junkyu.


There were footsteps that seemed to be walking towards him. Junkyu felt as if he was going to die right then and there, it was likely that his killing ritual had already begun and that was the last time he could breathe before turning into ashes that was stored in a doll. Junkyu couldn't see anything, there was only darkness and strange sounds from various directions.

"Please don't kill me! Please don't kill me!"


"AH!" He jolted and screamed when someone touched his hand, completely paralyzed by the thought of someone might murder him right there and then.

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