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Everything that happened had been a hell ride of a rollercoaster. Junkyu would have never believed that he could be trapped in a black hole that held so many eerie and dark mysteries and he was the only one who managed to save himself from the suction of death in the right time.

Upon returning to his family in Seoul, Junkyu cried profusely, his tears could fill the entire ocean on Earth, his heart was broken, his head seemed to be on fire after trying to digest everything that had happened in the past few months. Mr and Mrs Watanabe were sentenced to thirty-five years in prison and all their assets were sold to the state, which would later be used as compensation for the victims who had lost their sons and daughters, although for sure it would never suffice the loss the families had gone through. They were also deported from Japan and forever banned from returning to their hometown.

Haruto had to face seven years of detention and five years of social service because by the time the police uncovered all their crimes, Haruto was already over fifteen years old and he was still part of the murders committed by his family. However, the crime had been going on since Haruto was just born into the world and he has no power to follow what his parents had decided for his life. Apart from that, Haruto's health condition was also a consideration that influenced the judges' decision in sentencing Haruto.

Mr Kwon sacrificed himself for good and Haruto could finally live the live he always desired. The curse and attachment to the black magic had been demolished with the help of Mr Kwon's pure love for Haruto. However, due to substances and cannibalism lifestyle that had been practiced throughout his life, he regularly received treatment from the best hospital in Fukuoka, the hometown of his parents. If one wondered how a prisoner like him was able to received such privilege, it was all thanks to Junkyu's family and of course Junkyu's stubborn wish, who participated in financing Haruto's treatment for his recovery. At the moment, Haruto was also deported from South Korea and was required to stay in Japan until his sentence expired.

As for Hanami, Junkyu's family agreed to be her guardian until she turned twenty five. Everything required by Hanami would be provided by Junkyu's family.







Junkyu ran down the hall of the hospital and was out of breath. The scarf around his neck loosened as his long legs still took large strides against the tiles. His cheeks and ears were flushed, his hair was a bit messy, his lips were dry and his throat was thirsty. However, there was no time for him to stop halfway to think about himself.

Year 2025, winter in Fukuoka. After hearing that Haruto had just been rushed to the hospital, Junkyu immediately stopped all his activities in South Korea and took the fastest flight to Fukuoka. There was no clear reason why Haruto had been rushed to the hospital, but it was enough to make Junkyu cry during the flight.

"Excuse me, Watanabe Haruto. Where was he taken to?" He was panting as he asked the information desk nearby.

"Oh, Mr Watanabe was just transferred to the ward 7. Along this hall, to the left."

"Thank you!" Junkyu quickly bowed and sprinted again until he found Haruto's inpatient room. As soon as Junkyu found the room, he did neither knock nor gave himself time to breathe, but immediately barged into the room and found that Haruto was sitting in his bed, reading a book that Junkyu gave him as a Christmas present. But then Haruto looked up and was rather surprised by Junkyu's presence.

"Oh? Junkyu?"

Junkyu didn't answered and went inside with heavy steps. Right afterwards, he hugged Haruto tightly with teary eyes.

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