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I've been staying at Harry's for the past few days. Niall brought some clothes for me, he's seriously the best friend anyone could ask for. 

I'm currently lying on the couch rewatching heartstopper for the 15th time. Harrys at work right now, but it's Friday so he'll be here tomorrow. I don't know how long I'm planning on staying. I know I want to be at Niall's next week, but when? Harry said I'm welcome to stay as long as I wanted to, but I don't want to be a burden. I click the next episode when I hear the door creak open. 

"Hey Lou," Harry's deep voice says. He walks in with a couple bags of groceries. 

"Hi," I quietly respond. I'm mad at myself for starting to love him again. He's just been so sweet this week, but I know it's all a fraud. He comes into the living room and looks at the TV. 

"Still obsessed with that show?" He asks smiling. 

"Yeah, it's really good," I reply.

"Mm, I see," he sits down on the other, smaller, couch. "Liam and Niall invited me to go bowling, you want to go?" It still feels weird when Harry invites me places. He was so possessive for so long. 

"What time?"

"Uh, I think they said 6, we'd be getting supper there."

"Okay, I might run over to Niall's and grab some clothes if that's okay with you."

"Yeah, it's fine, why wouldn't it be?" I realize what I said and how stupid I sound. 

"Oh, I don't know." I get up and walk over to where I put my shoes in front of the door. "I'll go right now, see you in a bit." 


I went to Niall and picked up some clothes for the next three days, by then I think I'll be able to leave. I don't even know why I'm here. Why can't I just let go of him? I'm so attached to him for no reason. He has a hold on me, and I'm allowing it. I feel selfish in the way I've been acting, but the way he treated was 100 times worse. 

"Ready yet princess?" Harry asks coming into the room. 

"Don't call me that," I feel bad for sassing him while staying at his house, but he's seriously been getting on my nerves. 

"Sorry," he says grabbing his keys from the nightstand. "I like what you're wearing." I'm wearing black jean short shorts with a baby blue crop top tank top thingy and white air forces. 

"Thanks, and yeah I'm ready," I turn to him. 

"Mm, we still have like, 20 minutes till we leave." 

"Oh, I'll go wait downstairs then." 

"When are you planning on leaving?" God he can be arrogant sometimes. 

"Uh, I don't know. I was hoping in the next two or three days." 

"Why'd you even want to stay with me? It's okay I'm just wondering." 

"I don't know to be completely honest." I look down but feel a hand bring my chin up to look into Harry's green eyes. 

"You still love me?"


"Shame, I love you, Lou." He lets go of my chin. 

"Well, I don't. So don't think-" I feel his lips on mine interrupting me. His hands are on my face and my body is still in shock.

When he pulls away, he says, "Sorry, you were kind of annoying me, but in a cute way don't worry." He ruffles my hair like a little kid and walks away. I just stand there in complete shock not knowing whether to follow him or not. 

Dangerous Love ~ Larry Stylinson BDSM AUWhere stories live. Discover now