British Tea

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I STOOD INFRONT OF THE SMALL, BUNGALOW LIKE HOUSE. It reminded me of the bungalows me and my older sister used to walk past to get to school. I was only eleven when my parents told me and Diane the news.

"We're sorry kids, we really are." Mum had said solemnly as she looked at us both.

"We just couldnt stay together, we couldnt stay in a happy marriage." Dad had continued, he was holding his hands infront of him and was fiddling with his fingers.

"Daniel, you will give with your dad to wherever you move to." Mum had continued her explanation of the situation, her hands gripping her elbows.

My breath had caught in my throat.
'Dad? Why do I have to go with dad?'

My dad had a drinking problem, to put it simply. He drowned his feelings in bottles of whisky and Brandy. When he drank he yelled and screamed at us, that's why I was so afraid, so scared to live alone with him.

I walked into the small house, it was big for two people but small if a whole family lived there. No more than three could live here. I knew where my room was, dad had told me in the way here.

'Turn right at the kitchen and walk all the way down the hallway until you got to the last stretch. Your room is the last on the left.'

I wondered why he had me farthest anyway from him, but the thought of him throwing bottles at me was probably enough to make sure I was no where near him.

I unpacked and laid down on my bed, the lost energy of today was getting to me. I had school tomorrow anyways.

Diane stood infront of me, her brown eyes stared into my own as I held my suitcase. It was the day after my twelfth birthday and i was leaving to America. My eyes blurred with tears as I looked at the person that stayed by my side my whole life.

"So, you're leaving now then? I'm gonna miss you kid, dont forget me now, ay?" She said sadly, her eyes were what got to me the most in that moment. They were darker than usual, the glowing hazel of my sisters eyes were now a dull brown as she looked down at me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I cant be here for your sixteenth birthday, D." I said, my heart broke when I saw her smile at me.

"Nah, it's no big deal. I'll just imagine that you're here. I wont be having a big celebration anyways, I'm more sorry about not being there for your thirteenth or fourteenth." She whispered as she pulled me into a hug, I finally let my tears out as she comforted me.

"Daniel! Hurry up!" My fathers voice yelled through the house, I had to go.

"I'll find you, once I become eighteen. I'll move to Hawkins and find you, Dan." She whispered and gave me one last loving squeeze.

All I remember from our final goodbye outside that house is the melancholy look in her eyes and the sad smile that graced her face.

¹𝘓𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘔𝘺 𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘥 | STRANGER THINGSWhere stories live. Discover now