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Symbolizes Spirituality

A/N: Hi! So... My first book... I hope you like it. Feel free to leave corrections in the comments. This is not proofread. (I'm not the best writer so stick with me lol)

Corrupted person (?? Idk)
(Please correct me if I missed some)


Scott stared into his brother's eyes, longing for something to be there. Anything. Anything but the dark abyss that replaced the once starlit and bright eyes. He hated it. His corrupted brother wore his hatred like a cruel second skin, showing it off to the rest of the world as if it were a prized trophy. Something to be proud of. He didn't understand. Couldn't. How could such a caring person be so awful? So cruel and disheartening? Scott tore away his gaze so that he wouldn't have to bear the nothingness anymore.

Scott awoke sweating, clasping his fist tight as though to not let go of the air trapped inside. The dreams had gotten worse that month, and though he had not seen his brother since the incident he knew that whatever it was that his brother had become— it was not good. Just then he got a message on his communicator saying for all of the empire rulers to meet at spawn. The communicators were small hand held devices almost everyone owned, similar to phones except for they more so resembled walkie-talkies and you could only type messages on them.

Scott started making his way towards spawn, deciding to take the quicker option:his wings.Scott was born with bird wings, an avian deer hybrid. He didn't know who his real parents were, they gave him up at birth and he was lucky enough to be chosen for the king and queen. Well, the king. The queen was never fond of him, and he remembered distinctly as a child her telling him about her plans to get rid of him. Forever. All he knew about his biological parents was that one was an elf-deer hybrid and one was an avian. Though the queen never liked him because he was an avian, she was a star avain. She was angry that he had gotten avian blood from his biological mother but her children had not. They were merely half-starlings.

One, Zornoth, but he didn't get his demonic powers from his parents. He got them from stumbling upon a meteor along with Scott and their sister and ,while their sister was pulled into some sort of portal, Zornoths face was covered in sickening lack splotches, and his eyes a blood red. That was the day he was corrupted. Scott still didn't know where Lauren, his sister, went. She was always kind to him, and showed nothing but love and respect to her little brother. She had saved him from Zornoth, and in return, she was sucked up into another dimension. It wasn't fair, really, and it made Scott flinch just to think about it.

Zornoth was kind when he was merely a child. Scott knew that the boy could never be found again in this state, but sometimes he wished that it could just be like that again. The normality of it back then would never be the same, though. The palace was silent and secluded apart from the occasional tapping of a pen or wandering villager, without the children playing or parents working there was no one but Scott and his own menacing thoughts.

As the night of his sibling's curses slowly took over his mind, he found himself standing in front of his assigned podium at spawn. Everyone had a podium, is no matter whether the empire ruler was nice or not. Though, Joey and Sausage, emperors of the Lost Kingdoms and the (insert Sausages kingdom name lol), had not been present at the required weekly meetings that all of them were to attend.

Shelby, a long term friend of his, was standing at a small circle of podiums. Hers was overgrown with mushrooms and vines, sprinkled with dirt that perfectly complemented her chocolate brown hair and her deep golden eyes. Shubble was a gnome, with a mushroom hat and adorable beige overalls. She was in a podium next to a rich brown wooden one, one that had flowers blooming out of every moss-filled crevice. It belonged to Katherine of the flower kingdom. She was also one of Scott's friends and helped him when he was running from the treacheries of home so many years ago. He was just thankful that she hadn't told anyone about what exactly he was running from.

"Scott!" Gem whipped her head towards him in surprise. "I didn't think you were coming! What was that letter about then?" She seemed genuinely confused, which acted like a domino effect rippling throughout all of the questioning rulers, including Scott.

"What letter?" Scott asked, wondering what his friends were talking about. Though, all of the rulers besides Katherine, Gem, and Shelby thought that Scott was cold hearted and distant, which was considerable because that was what he acted like around people that he didn't consider his friends.

Shelby just stared at him. "The one that said that you couldn't come to the meeting because of 'terribly urgent matters involving your parents'?" Katherine spoke up. Everyone just stared at him, and Scott figured that all of them had gotten the same letter: one that wasn't sent by him.

"My parents are dead."


Shelby was packing up her left over potions from the battle when the letter had arrived. Although it was sent by one of Scott's messenger owls, she suspected something was off. The handwriting reeked of fraud, and after reading it she felt an uneasiness in her stomach. The letter stated 'I am sorry. I will not be able to attend today's meeting, for I am undergoing terrible matters involving my parents. I hope you will understand. Sincerely, Scott.'

This was the part that baffled Shubble: Scott was an orphan. She remembered him telling her because of the cold regret in his voice, he felt guilty for the death of his biological parents and his adoptive father, and even though his adoptive mother wasn't dead, he didn't think of her much as a 'loving parent' anyway.

But, alas, she was still required to attend the meeting despite the elf king's unusual absence. Pushing her apprehension aside, she called upon her wolf, and together they set off into the deep forest that surrounded her mushroom kingdom. Or at least, that's what outsiders called the secluded empire.

(Time skip brought to you by my panic-inducing fear of bugs that lead me to write this at 2 in the morning)

When Shelby arrived, she expected no one to be there, as she was at least twenty minutes early. Though, to be fair, she had intentionally left early to not arrive late and be the late one out of the group. But, to her dismay, she was nearly the last one there, and everyone but Katherine of the Floral realms greeted her. Katherine, a nice woman whom Shubble was rather fond of, had long, flowing chocolate brown hair and a beautiful detailed gown. It had a white top with off- the - shoulder loose sleeves that fell onto her skin like waterfalls. The skirt was a lilac purple and hand-embroidered (by Katherine herself) with small yellow tulips and long vines of alliums and daisies. Shelby was astonished that the flower queen had made it herself, and so Shelby had asked her to make something for her. It came out just to Shelby's liking: cute, beige overalls embroidered similar to Katherine's except for instead of flowers they had tiny, adorable little red and white mushrooms. She normally wore a green blouse under them, but today she was feeling snazzy, and decided to wear a cute, loose- fitting white blouse with a small red bow tied at the collar.

(I'm so sorry. That was all description. I'm questioning my sanity-)

She took her place at the stand in between Katherine's and Gem's. And don't even get her started on Gem's outfit. (Good luck, there's more) She wore a well- fitting green dress with a long purple cloak that encircled her entire body. Hiding half of her beautiful, bright orange hair was a mammoth (according to Fwip and Sausage) violet wizard hat with a sheer veil- like covering lowering down to cover her face. No one knew that it would serve as a great distraction in the near future. In her right hand, she held a broom, a symbol of her witch craft academy and a rustic alternative for elytra.

And then... he was there.

A/N: Hi. Sorry if this was a bit long- idk. But I hope you're having a lovely day. Stay safe, you simps!! Also, I read a Wattpad story where they added flowers for each chapter ( I can't find it bc I'm stupid and have terrible memory and didn't add it to my library :,] so sorry) and I want to do something similar with colors and their meanings. Any suggestions?
Feel free to comment them and thanks so much for reading this chapter. I'm gonna post this but beware it might be a bit till the best chapter. Sorry if I take a while!!

Word count: 1551

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