Part 3- Surprise

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*jingle jiggle KYES!?!
Our body's Jolting Angel Rushes to put his pants on and I stand up quietly to rush and turn on the light "what the hell are you doing" he silently but vocally says between his teeth. I usher him to be quiet when *craaaaak the door opens. Oh hey I say trying not to seem suspicious, "what are you two doing in here?" "oh I was just searching for an item I had lost", "uh uh son you okay back there" the Janitor ask looking over my shoulder. I slowly turn around prying that Angels pants are not still down but to my surprise he was just standing there looking oblivious, "uh yes sir just helping her" he said smiling widely. Omg a sign of relief leaves my body, turning back to the janitor I say  "we'll it seems I have to check the public lost and found I can't seem to find what I'm looking for", and with that I swiftly grab Angel's hand excusing myself from the janitor's closet. "yah you best get to class before the bell rings wouldn't want to raise suspicion" he said looking at me and angles hand. Ah yes I said quickly letting go and proceed to walk the other direction.

"What were we thinking, how could I be so care less omg and at School of all places that just unsanitary" I said flaying my hands everywhere and rolling my eyes. "Well the only other unsanitary place I can think of is my house but only iff you were up for it" Angel said under his breath looking around with a grin on his face blinding me with how shining his braces are. I chuckled acknowledging but not responding to his slick comment. Walking away he grabs my arm like all the k-dramas I've watch which made me have butterflies (ugh but anyways). I stop as he walked in front of me "Vanessa were you going shawty" the way he said my name made my kitty cat pur and my hands to become clammy. I exhaled pulling my arm away from his grip and said sarcastically slowly walking backwards "look where we are, I'm going to class loser". "Loser?! Be carful with your words princess or imma have to fix that attitude of yours" he said smoothly as if it was scraped. Turning around and chuckling I think to myself how stupid and egocentric he is.

Walking to class I ponder on how stupid and naïve I am for letting someone (specially a boy) encourage me to do such heinous things. Mad at him and myself I worry people may find out and think horrible things about me, more disappointed with myself I think back on how much I was moving without thinking how my body had a mind of it own; how I wanted it but just in a different setting. Bumming into people I question would this be a one time thing and would it be best if it was to mostly protect my feelings and dignity or maybe that's just my pride taking.


"Uh the bell" rushing past people in the halls and speeding up the stairs I quickly make it to class apologizing for being late and talking a seat right away. Luckily it was my last class and after the commotion that happened today I could finally just go home and relax but then I thought what if I actually go on his word and go to a more "sanitary" place; thinking about that made my heart drop and my stomach do backflips. As class continued I tried my hardest to not think about it to not (yk) stimulate anything. (teehee)


2:14 and time to go home, walking down the stairs and out the doors I make it to the bus stop. Siting on the floor and minding my business a pair of shoes approach me, looking up i realizing it's Angel therefor asking for hand help me up. How was your first day I say "I was hard IT IT was hard" he responds I hit him both of us laughing at how stupid he is. "That was embarrassing I didn't like that never again AND WE ALMOST GOT TO" I ramble slapping my hand on my forehead; pausing i ask Angel why his just staring at me, " your just so beautiful". I-

*BUS 5 BUS 5

The intercom yells I turn my head ready to go not before hugging him my arms wrapped around his neck his hand placed around my waist. I lean in and whisper " I might take you up on your offer make sure to take a nap when you go home". Pulling back slowly I walk to my buss talking a sit and looking at his surprised face throw the window.

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