I Belong With You

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Adam's POV
Liz is over at my place for the weekend. She and I are making dinner.

"I don't want a baby shower." She says.

"Aw, why not? It doesn't have to be a big party." I say.

"Because I'm just over six months pregnant and the last thing I want is people coming up to me and saying 'You look great for a pregnant woman' and then touching up my belly." Liz complains, making me laugh at her impression.

"What about a very small get together of our closest family and friends?" I suggest.

"I don't know, Adam." Liz says wearily.

"People are going to want to celebrate us and baby bean." I say and she smiles.

"I'm sure baby bean doesn't need everyone interrupting her while she's happily back flipping in my stomach." Liz says.

"Think about it, we could invite like ten people and get a few balloons and a cake." I say.

"I do like cake." She says thoughtfully.

"Think of all the peaches you could have." I smirk

"Okay fine!" She exclaims. "You win."

"Great!" I smile.


Liz is lying on the couch while I tidy up from dinner.

"I think we should live together." She says.

"What?" I ask, dropping the plate in my hand.

"Are you okay?" Liz asks, sitting up.

"I'm fine. You think we should live together?" I ask.

"Well, yeah. We don't know when exactly I'm going to have the baby and I'd like you to be there when I go into labour. And it would just make life so much easier when baby bean arrives." She explains.

I sit next to her.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" She asks.

"I'll move in with you if that's what you really want, but you might want to think it through. If we live together, you're going to see me every second of every day." I say.

"That's okay, I want that for us and for bean." Liz says, rubbing her hand over her baby bump.

"Then alright. I'll move some of my stuff over to yours." I say and she smiles.

"Adam, is this okay with you?" She asks.

"Yeah, it's what's best. I need to be there for you both now more than ever." I nod.

Timeskip - 2 Days Later

Rafael, Eliza and Maddison are helping me move some boxes to Liz's house.

"How much stuff do you have?" Rafael asks, carrying in a box.

"It's not that much." I laugh.

"And so far all you've carried is pillows." Eliza says to him.

"Where's Liz, anyway?" Maddison asks.

"I would offer to help but." Liz says from the kitchen table, gesturing to the ice cream tub in her hand.

"You've been eating that for like a half hour." I say.

"And? You gonna tell me I'm fat again?" Liz asks, putting another spoonful in her mouth.

"You're not fat." Maddison says.

"Adam I can't believe you'd say that to Liz!" Rafael says.

"I never said that!" I exclaim.

"You bought me a giant bag of chips!" Liz yells.

"I was trying to be thoughtful!" I say.

"We'll just leave these here." Rafael says, putting four tins of peaches on the kitchen counter.

"We're having a baby shower-" I start.

"It's not a baby shower." Liz says.

"We're having a very small gathering of people over here next month to celebrate the baby, if you want to come." I say to Rafael, Eliza and Maddison.

"That's so sweet!" Maddison smiles.

"I'm in." Eliza says.

"Cool, we'll send you the details when we've got everything figured out." I say.

"Awesome, we'll be there." Raf smiles.

We talk for a bit more and then they leave.

"Can you please put the AC on?" Liz asks.

"Of course." I nod, flicking the switch.

"Can we, you know?" She asks, standing up and walking towards me.

"Someone's a little hormonal." I tease.

"Forget it." She groans, starting to walk away.

"I'm joking with you, Liz." I laugh. "Come on." I say, walking with her to her bedroom.

"No kissing." She says, pushing the door open and grabbing my shirt in her hands.

"Whatever you want." I say, slipping my hands underneath her robe.


We're lying next to each other in Liz's bed.

"You awake?" I ask.

"Yeah." She whispers.

"Can I umm," I stutter.

"What?" She asks, frowning.

"You know." I say.

"No, I don't." Liz says.

"Do you think I can," I cut myself off.

"Adam for gods sake spit it out!" She says, getting annoyed.

"Can I please talk to her?" I ask.

"To who?" Liz asks.

"Baby bean." I say.

"Aw, of course." She smiles.

"And can I...?" I ask

"Yes, you can touch the belly." Liz says.

"Tell me if you get uncomfortable." I say and she nods.

I gently place my hands on her belly and rub small circles.

"I hope you're not giving Mommy a hard time, huh." I smirk, resting my head on Liz's side. "When you arrive you're going to be so loved, more than you could ever imagine. You've got the best mother in world, you know. We're going to spoil you so much. And I bet you'll have a great singing voice just like Mommy."

"You're sweet." Liz smiles.

"Liz! She kicked!" I scream when I feel a small kick against my hand on her belly.

"What?" Liz asks.

"Give me your hand." I say and gently put her hand on her stomach.

"Oh my god." Liz gasps when the baby kicks again.

"She's in there." I smile, kissing her belly.

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