Movie Night

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I could barely sleep Saturday night. Scott was going to be at my place watching my favorite movie.
Which was no big deal... I guess...
He had told me to text him when I wanted him over. Were we practicing beforehand? Was this strictly a movie? Did he just want to come over and hang out?
My mind wouldn't let me sleep, so I got up at seven and began making breakfast. I put some finishing touches on my Psychology paper, that no doubt I would get a C on. Sometime while I was staring morosely at my mediocre paper, far too conscious of the fact that it was the best I could do, a throbbing ache pounded behind my left eye, sitting somewhere slightly below my temple. I dry-swallowed a couple Ibuprofen and settled on the couch, snuggled in a soft blanket. I watched some old reruns of shows like I Love Lucy and The Brady Bunch until ten.
I glanced at the clock and jumped up, realizing I should get ready. I undressed and hopped in the shower, then dried off quickly. I wrapped a towel around my waist even though I lived alone and really didn't have anything to hide from.
Rummaging through my dresser and closet, I didn't see even one thing I wanted to wear. So I searched again. And again.
Once I had finally decided on black skinny jeans and a light floral patterned button up, I decided to look over the script to memorize some lines.
I couldn't stand it anymore, so around 11:30 I hesitantly picked up my phone to text Scott.
My fingers hovered over the keyboard. What should I say? Should I come right out and ask if he wants to come over? Do I just say "hi"? I sighed, knowing I always put too much thought into everything.
I decided on a simple "hey" and set my phone down. Almost immediately my phone went off. But it wasn't a text. It was a call. From Scott.
I froze, just watching my screen light up. My hands slowly picked it up as I cleared my throat. I clicked the green Answer button and held it up to my ear.
I gulped, hopefully inaudible, and said "H-hello?"
"Hey!" Scott's spritely words rang from the other side.
"Oh, hi," I breathed out, feeling better just as I heard his voice.
"What are you doing right now? Like, I realize you just texted me and I probably could've just texted you back but I didn't feel like typing a lot, you know?"
I nodded, but then realized he couldn't see so I uttered a simple "Yeah."
"So, I was just wondering if I could come over early? Well it's already almost noon, so it's not really early, but maybe it's earlier than you were planning on inviting me for...? I'm not sure, I'm just really, really bored."
I laughed at his hyper rambling. "Of course you can come over, I'm bored too."
"Great, I'll be over soon." He hung up the phone and left me speechless in his wake.
After a few seconds of stunned silence, I set down my phone. He called me. He didn't just text me. He called me. He called me. He called me. That means he doesn't hate my voice. That means he wants to come over early. I was planning on inviting him or four or five but this was even better! He wanted to be here.
I scrambled around, grabbing West Side Story and straightening piles of movies I had around my t.v.
Before I knew it, there was a knock on my door.
"Come in!" I yelled, and soon enough a tall blond haired giant was standing in the entryway by the kitchen. "Hey Scott."
"Hi," Scott replied, holding his own stack of movies.
"Whatcha got there?" I asked, making my way over to grab them.
"Well I figured since I'm watching your favorite musical, we could watch mine," he said, slipping off his shoes. "Les Misérables."
"Oh, cool!" I exclaimed. "What else?"
"Hairspray, Singing in the Rain, and Guys and Dolls. Have you seen any of them?"
I shook my head, holding back a smile. "No, surprisingly. I've been meaning to watch Hairspray for FOREVER though."
He grinned. "Awesome, we'll watch that, too."
Smiling immensely, I brought his movies to the coffee table. "I don't know how late you wanna stay, but..."
"Till whenever you want," Scott interrupted, walking further into the apartment.
"I don't care either," I laughed.
He shrugged. "Well I guess we'll see."
I nodded, trying to think of something to say or do. "You hungry?"
"I could go for something I guess. What do you have?"
When I checked, my fridge had nothing of interest and my cupboards mostly had cereal and crackers. "Apparently not much. I have cereal, crackers," I searched some more and checked the fridge again. "cheese..."
"Cheese and crackers sounds just fine, Mitch."
"Okay, great," I sighed, thankful he had made a decision.
He moved fully into the kitchen and grabbed the crackers out of the cupboard like he was right at home. I smiled at how comfortable he already was while sifting through the different kinds of cheese. "Sharp cheddar?" I asked.
"Sure." Scott looked for a plate and spread crackers around it in a nice circle.
I sliced cheese and placed it in the middle of the halo shape of crackers.
"Want a soda?" I questioned, grabbing one for myself.
"What kind?"
"Surprise me."
Deciding on a regular Pepsi, I lightly bumped the refrigerator door with my hip, letting it close behind me. Scott set the plate full of food on the coffee table in front of my couch as I set down his soda can. I cracked open mine, allowing the fizz to settle before taking a sip.
I set it down and popped in West Side Story. On my way back to the couch, I handed Scott a blanket I had passed by and snagged one for myself as well. We sunk into the cushions, wrapping ourselves in blankets. I pressed play.
"Ready for the best movie ever?" I inquired.
He chuckled. "Always."
The movie began.

Over the next two and a half hours, Scott heard me break out in song multiple times along with the characters. He marveled at my knowledge of all the lyrics and voice techniques. After the movie was over, he would not stop talking about it.

"Mitch. You're. Amazing!"
I blushed, something I surprisingly hadn't done much during the movie. "No..."
"No," I argued.
"Yes," he said more furiously than before, still keeping a kind gaze. He wouldn't stop staring at me, in awe I believe.
I smiled, shaking my head. "Did you at least like it?"
He smirked. "I enjoyed it. I also enjoy hearing your wonderful singing. You should sing more often."
I giggled bashfully. "I sing all the time, just not around people."
"Well you should. Because you're fantastic." I elbowed him, my cheeks tinged with a deep red.
"Come on, let's put in the next movie."
We decided on Les Misérables, then Hairspray, then Guys and Dolls, and then Singing in the Rain.
We discussed our favorite parts and what we didn't like about it at all. We ordered a pizza somewhere in there, even though we were very caught up in the musicals.
I barely remember what we talked about, but I remember we laughed a lot. And we stayed up late. Very late.
By the time the last movie was ending, it was around 2 am. We were both too lost in movies and talking with each other to notice. I began drifting off to sleep.
Scott, however, was absorbed in the movie.
I closed my eyes, not really wanting to sleep, but also not really having a say in it. My body demanded rest. The credits were rolling and I heard Scott mute the television.
I heard him shift, probably to look at me all cuddled in a blanket. "So what'd y--" he began. Then he whispered. "Oh, sorry."
I wanted to say something, but my lips wouldn't move. They were exhausted. I was exhausted. It made me feel awful for not saying anything when I was slightly awake. But it was only the kind of awake where your senses are dulled.
Scott stood and I heard him pick up the plates we had used along with cups and place them in the sink. He ejected the dvd and placed it in the case, obviously trying to be as quiet as possible. We had classes the next day. He was going to be drained.
He gathered his things and put his blanket on top of me, tucking me in as light as possible.
He leaned over me-- I could feel his presence. But there was a pause. A definite pause.
"Thanks for everything," he whispered softly, and before stepping away to leave, planted a kiss on my forehead.

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