6. Steve

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I biked to Steve's house because he's been ignoring my calls for days now. I knocked on the door and he opened it, "What, Sloane."

That hurt. "Why are you ignoring me? I've been calling and calling."

"Maybe because I kissed you? And told you how I felt? But then in 'good consciousness' you can't? What kind of bullshit is that."

He meant it..? "Steve you were drunk, I didn't want to do anything that you might've regretted."

"Then I see you outside my window with Eddie the freak Munson. You can't play with peoples feelings like that!"

My blood felt hot, like I was going to explode with anger. "Steve, we will mess up our friendship, it seems like it already has been messed up. Plus, you'll go back to Nancy like you always do, so please, don't blame this on me at all."

He just looked at me, "dammit," he said quietly, he grabbed my face and kissed me deeply, he stopped after a few seconds, "does that make you feel anything at all? Sparks? Because that's what I feel."

I didn't feel anything.. "no, I didn't.. I had feelings for you years ago.. but you didn't seem to be interested.." I felt a tear go down my face, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have come here."

"You're right, you shouldn't have." He slammed his door and I could feel more hot tears stream down my face, that wasn't fair.. why do these boys have to mess with my feelings?

My heart felt heavy, like it was in my stomach, fuck.


"Eddie?" I called out, he opened his bedroom door, "hi.." I said softly, he leaned against his door frame, "I know you're upset with me.. but can we go do something?" I asked softly as I walked closer.

"something?" He asked with a cocky tone

"Something to make my heart feel less... bleh" I said

He smiled slightly, "You make it hard to be mad at you when you give me that look." He said, he backed into his room and grabbed his jacket. "Go wait in the van, princess, I have to grab a few things first."


"It's a surprise." He winked and shooed me off.

About 20 minutes pass and he opens the back of his van and puts something in there then gets into the drivers seat, "Where are we going?" I asked and he just smirked, "Oh you're going to brutally murder me? That was your plan all along? Move into my house and plan my death."

"Yeah how'd you know?" He said and we laughed, "So, why are you so down in the dumps?"

My heart felt heavy but not as heavy, something about being around Eddie lifted the feeling, we drove for about 45 minutes, maybe he was going to murder me.

We pulled up into.. an abandoned theme park? I looked around in awe, this was beautiful, the way the sky was shades of purple and pink, "this is beautiful.." I said and he was looking at me, "why'd you take me here?"

"I come here whenever I need a break from everyone."

We got out of his van and he grabs a.. "picnic basket?" I asked and smiled

"You needed cheered up, I made us lunch/dinner in a very creepy place, then I'm going to kill you." We both started laughing really hard.

The thing about him is, I feel like we can joke about dark humor things, we have the same mind set, I like that about him.. him..

"You ready?" He asked and held out his hand, I nodded and took it, we walked over to the Ferris wheel, "We can climb it when we're done eating, promise." He smiles and we find a place to eat, he puts down the blanket and the basket,

We sat around and ate for an hour, "Thank you for taking me here. I don't know if it was your sacred hiding spot but, thank you."

"It's not really sacred but," he sighed and looked at me, "you needed it more than me, happy to do it."

We looked at each other and it was just peaceful, being here, with him, he lit a blunt and looked at me and tried handing it to me, "You're joking right? You know who my dad is."

"The dude smokes himself" he smiled

I scoffed, "Yeah, cigarettes."

He did another motion for me to take it and I did, I took a hit and held it for a minute, "And you've never done this before?.."

I shook my head no and finally exhaled, "No, why."

He laughed and shook his head.

He stood up and held out his hand, "We're gonna climb it, come on." I took his hand and smiled. We climbed to the top and i thought we were gonna fall so many times, he took my hand and lifted me to the cart, we sat down and I looked at the view.

"Holy shit.." I said softly, "This is breath taking.."

"It is.." he said and I looked at him.. he was already looking at me, "The view." He said looking out.. oh. He wouldn't mean me, of course he wouldn't.

I leaned my head back and looked up, it was gonna turn dark soon, the days were getting longer, so it could be 9 pm and be light out still.


I opened my eyes and the sky was out. The day sky. Oh shit, did I fall asleep? I sat up and looked around, I had fallen asleep in Eddie's lap and he was still asleep, I was covered with his jacket, he must've been cold then, I shook him slightly and he opened his eyes, "what?" He looked around, "Oh shit."

We tried not to be too panicky because we were at the top of a Farris wheel and it could break any minute, we slowly climbed down and got back into his van, I've never seen someone speed this much in my entire life, besides my dad in a car chase.

We walked into the house and my dad was sitting there. Waiting. Menacingly. "So. We're gonna set ground rules if you two are dating." He said

"Dad, we're not." I said looking at Eddie and he agreed, "I promise, there's nothing going on between us."

He looked at us sternly, "Then what the hell were you two doing all night."

"We went to an abandoned theme park and fell asleep, we didn't mean to I swear." He told my dad, maybe he'll be easier since he's not his kid.

After my dad calmed down and left for work, I let out a breath of relief.

I was wearing Eddie's jacket, it smelled so.. good.

End of chapter

Word count: 1129

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