11. Leave

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"Hey dad, it's me again," I sniffled, "I miss you so much. These nightmares, the number 2, what does it mean.."

I heard a crack behind me and turned around, "Joyce?" I asked and she smiled, I got up and looked at her in shock, "Its dangerous for you to be here.."

"I was here for a quick business trip, well a few towns over but, I thought I should come and see the grave.." she looked like she was about to cry, we hugged

"Do it! Turn the key!"

My dad was on the other side of a giant spinning laser, a portal behind him.

What the hell.. what keeps happening, we let go, "You shouldn't stay here long, something might happen to El.." I said quietly,

"I know." She said, "I just miss the big bastard." She chuckled and i did too.


I walked into my trailer and Max was laying on the couch, sleeping, I needed to make dinner, i rubbed my eyes from tiredness and sighed, it was only 3 pm. Early dinner it was. Hot dogs and Mac n cheese should work.. it'll have to.


Max ate and went back to sleep, i carried her to her bed in my trailer and tucked her in, poor kid, always exhausted.

I grabbed my keys and walked outside, Eddie was outside too, "Sloane-" he called out but I already got in my car and started driving, no, you can't hurt him.

I drove to the video store to see Robin and Steve, I walked in and smiled, "Hey losers." I hugged both of them, "Joyce was in town for a few hours.." I said quietly, they both looked at me in shock.

"Does she know that could be dangerous for El?" Steve said and I nodded, "You saw her at the grave, didn't you?"

My face was expressionless but he could tell. "Anything interesting happen today?"

"Boring Sunday, as usual," Robin said and I walked behind the counter with them, "What are you up to."

"Whole lot of nothing and annoying you guys." I said as I sat down, Steve sat on me and i groaned in pain, Robin laughed as he was squishing me. I looked outside, "Oh shit get up!" I said and he looked outside, Of course Eddie was out there, Jesus is he stalking me?

I hide under the counter to where no one could see me, he walked in, "How can I help you man?" Steve says

"Is she here?" Eddie asked

"Who?" Robin asked.

"Please?" He said and I motioned no,

"I don't know, honest, her car is here but she's not," Steve said, "Maybe she went for a walk."

I heard him walk out and waited until Steve said he left, I got out and stretched, "Dude cannot take a hint." Robin said and I nodded.

I hung around the store until 7 and left to go home, I walked in my house and peeked to see if Max was still here, she was, sound asleep. I opened her backpack in the living room and did her homework, had nothing better to do.

At 9 I laid in bed and just looked at the ceiling, fuck, I cannot sleep. I walked outside and sat on the stairs, i took a blunt out from my coat pocket and lit it, I noticed Eddie was on his porch just sitting there too. He saw me and started walking over, "why won't you talk to me?"

"Because. You should leave, dude." I said sternly and took a hit.

"No because you pushed me away for no reason." He said a little louder.

My blood was boiling, "It wasn't for no reason. My father died, Max's brother died, and her and I are the only people who know how to comfort each other! I'm raising a kid right now, I don't have time for bullshit."

"Why won't you tell me what happened?"

"Because you'll be put in danger, i can't have that happen to you," I threw down the rest of the blunt on the ground and put it out with my foot. "Leave."


"Then I will."

"No, Sloane-" he grabbed my hand

'Eddie' a girl moaned, they were kissing and fucking, of course. She was blonde and pretty.

I snatched my hand away, "Why don't you worry about your little blonde girlfriend."

"How'd you-"

"Goodbye, Eddie."

I shut my door and locked it, Jesus, this dude will not listen.. he keeps making me think about him.

Why do I keep seeing these things.. they're memories..

End of chapter

Word count: 763

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