She - Jake scott

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So I'm back and this story will play on Hope and MG's friendship (which we don't see enough) and Hosie Of course. Enjoy.

Narrator's POV

Hope is at her easel painting when she hears a knock on her door. She wants to ignore it but she knows that it must be important since people tend not to bother her. Begrudgingly, Hope stands, opening the door to see MG on the other side.

'Hey MG, what's up?'

'Oh nothing much just wanted to see if you wanted to hangout.' Looking at the paint stains that cover Hope's hands, he realizes he interrupted her me time. 'But I can see that I'm interrupting so I'll just go see if Josie is free instead.

'No, no it's okay, come in, I could actually use your advice on something.'

Stepping aside, Hope allows MG to enter her room and he sits at the chair by her desk.

'So, what'd you need to talk about? I'm happy to help but you usually go to Jo for this kinda thing.'

"See, the thing is it's about Josie so I can't ask her and talking to Lizzie isn't an option because she can't keep her mouth shut around Josie, stupid twin bond.'

Hope's twisting the ring on her finger, something MG knows she only does when she's nervous.

'Alright, lay it on me, what's wrong. And don't say nothing because you're playing with your ring which you only do when you're nervous.'

'Ugh, it's I-I IthinkI'minlovewithJosie.'

'Can you repeat that? I know I have vamp hearing but still.'

'I said, I think I'm in love with Josie. Like how do I tell? I've never felt this way before and you know I'm not good with emotions.'

'Okay, well describe to me how you feel when you're around Josie, how does she make you feel.'

'She-sh ugh why is this so hard.'

'It's okay Hope, take your time I'm not going anywhere.'

Taking a deep breath to gather her thoughts, Hope looks at MG before talking.

'She's the light in the dark room and when she smiles at me I know that I'm not going anywhere. She doesn't hold back when I do something stupid or reckless and makes sure I know what she's thinking. But she does so in a way that makes me want to listen to every word. I've been through a lot MG as you know, and she keeps me sane. The demons are easier to fight when she's by my side. Sometimes I think she knows me better than myself. When I'm with her I feel loved, I feel at home.'

Hope had gone into a trance when speaking so when she looks at MG she sees him staring at her with an awestruck look on his face.


'Sorry, I just wasn't expecting all of that, but yeah you're definitely in love with Josie.'

'Okay, so what do I do? Should I tell her?'

'Seeing as she's in love with you as well, yeah telling her would be a good idea.

'Wait, how do you know she loves me back?'

Looking at Hope like she's the dumbest person in the world, he simply says, 'because, I'm her best friend as well and all she's been talking about for the past month is Hope this and Hope that. Also, I have eyes duh.'

'But why? Why would someone like her love someone like me?'

'Because you're awesome Hope, that's why. You're smart, caring even if you don't like showing it, funny, gorgeous and you have a six pack that looks like it was sculpted by the Greek gods. That last part is straight from Josie just saying.'

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