My Person - Spencer Crandall

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Hey everyone, this is the sequel to 'when you're ready.' I know it's fast but I heard this song and just knew that it'd be perfect, enjoy!

It's been six months since Josie came back to the Salvatore Boarding school and everything was going great. With the gods and malivore defeated, things have gone back to normal. Well as normal as a school for supernatural kids can be. Caroline is still the headmistress and now the super squad helps mentor the younger students instead of fighting monsters.

Hope and Josie have gotten a lot closer since that day. Slowly, Hope began to open up more to Jo about what was going on in her head. The shame, the regret, all of it and Josie was quick to reassure Hope that everything is okay now. To make sure she knew that she was still loved, by her friends, her family and by Josie.

Hope finally thinks she's ready, but she's not sure how to go about telling Josie. She wants it to be special and real, because Jo deserves nothing less than that. So, she goes to the two people she knows will give her the advice she needs, whether she wants to hear it or not.

Walking to the common room, Hope spots Lizzie and Mg talking about the newest Marvel comic.

'Hey guys, just the people I was looking for.'

'Hey Hope'

'Sup Hope'

'We'll Umm I actually need your guys help with something.'

'Sure anything you need' Mg replies, as sweet as ever

'Is it about you finally telling my dear sister that you're in love with her.'

'Firstly, I'm not even gonna ask how you know that because you're you, and secondly, ah sort of.'

'What do you mean sort of? Stop speaking in riddles Hope and just tell us so we can help.'

'What Liz is trying to say, is that we're here for you so take your time.'

'Thanks Mg. Okay so when Josie first came back to school she saw me coming back from a run and knew something was wrong. So, we went to my room and I told her everything. About the nightmares and the guilt I feel for what I did without my humanity. Josie being well, Josie, she was understanding and helped calm me down. After that I kind of told her that I was in love with her but that I wasn't ready because I was still dealing with so much. I told her I didn't want to ask her to wait and then she sang me a REALLY cute song about how she'd wait for me forever. Then she told me to take all the time I need because she isn't going anywhere and that when I was ready, I knew where to find her. And now I'm ready but I'm freaking out because I don't know how to tell her. As her sister and her best friend, I need you guys to help me.'

Lizzie and Mg just stare at Hope for a minute before looking at each other, silently agreeing that they've never seen Hope like this before.

'Okay, I get that you're nervous, but the hardest part is already done. You know that she loves you back, that she won't reject you, so what are you really afraid of?' Mg inquires

'I'm scared that her being with me is going to get her killed. Just look at my family, we don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to love. My parents, my uncle Elijah, Cami, Jackson, even Marcel and Davina died at one point. You know what all those people have in common? They either were a Mikaelson or they loved one. I don't want Josie to be added to that list.'

'Trust me Hope, I know what it's like to have a dysfunctional family, and so does Josie but that shouldn't stop us from falling in love and living our lives. My dad lost my bio mom and his girlfriend Jenna. My mom lost Tyler Lockwood and my stepdad Stefan. Both of them lost the love of their lives on their wedding day, but I guarantee that if you ask either one of them if they regret being with them, the answer will be no. You told me your mom told you to have at least one totally epic love right? So don't give up the chance to have that with Josie because you're afraid.'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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