Love in the dark

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'I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS! I love you Josie, more than anything but you're still letting Lizzie dictate who you love and I can't do it anymore. I can't love you in the dark Jo.'

With that said, Hope walked out of the room and went to her secret place in the garden. She's 99.9% sure Josie is the love of her life but hiding their relationship out of fear of how Lizzie would react was something she couldn't do anymore. It's been months and all she wants to do is be able to hold her girlfriend's hand in public, but she can't.

Hope knows she has to talk to someone about how she feels, so she calls the first person she can think of, her mom.

'Hope honey, how's my little wolf doing?'

'Not so good mom if I'm being honest.'

'What's wrong sweetie? You know you can tell me anything.'

'It's Josie, we've been together for a few months, but we've kept it a secret because she's afraid of how Lizzie will react. At first I understood that but now it feels like we're never going to be public and I don't know if I can keep this going. It's slowly breaking my heart having to hide how much I love her.'

'Oh Hope, I wish I had all the right words to make it better but I don't. I know you love her, you have since y'all were kids and I know just by the way she looks at you that she loves you as well. But, you can't force someone to do something they don't wanna do. Maybe I'm a bit biased and I love Josie dearly, but it seems like Lizzie's validation is more important to her than your relationship. You have to ask yourself if your willing to chip away at yourself fighting for something that she isn't willing to fight for as well.'

'I love her with all my heart mom, but I can't do it anymore. Maybe somewhere down the line things will be different, but I can't be the only one fighting for us and right now it seems like I am. I don't wanna break her heart, but staying under these circumstances is breaking mine.'

Hope lets out a sob as she finishes her sentence. She wants nothing more than to be with Josie forever, but it seems like forever isn't going to start now.

'I know it's gonna hurt honey, but if it's what you have to do to protect your heart then I think Josie will understand.'

'Thanks mom, I gotta go but I love you.'

'Love you too Hope, I'm here for you and I'll talk to you later.'

After the phone call Hope gathered her thoughts and then went to Josie's room.

Knocking on the door, it's immediately answered by Josie thankfully. Hope doesn't think she could handle seeing Lizzie right now.

'Hope, hi uh come in'

'I have something to say and it's not going to be easy for me Jo but I have to do it. I couldn't find the right words on my own, so I decided to borrow Adele's.'

Taking a deep breath, Hope sits in the chair by Josie's desk, pulling it so she was in front of Jo.

'Take your eyes off of me so I can leave.
I'm far too ashamed to do it with you watching me. This is never ending, we have been here before.'

It's true, this isn't the first time they've had the same argument but Hope just can't take it anymore.

'Don't try to change my mind. I'm being cruel to be kind. I can't love you in the dark, it feels like we're oceans apart.'

Hope can see the tears in Josie's eyes and she hates that she's the cause of them but it has to be done. She knows that she has tears in her eyes a well.

'You have given me something that I can't live without. You mustn't underestimate that when you are in doubt...'

Josie has given Hope the greatest gift in life and she doesn't ever want her to forget that, but it's not enough anymore.

'Please don't fall apart, I can't face your breaking heart. I'm trying to be brave... but I can't love you in the dark.'

'Josie, I want nothing more than for you to be my always and forever but I can't keep doing this. I can't be the only one fighting for us. I understand Lizzie is important to you but her validation is more important than our relationship to you. I don't regret a thing okay, I love you and I want you to know I've meant everything I've ever said to you while being with you. This isn't goodbye forever but I need some space and I think you do too to figure out what it is we really want. Just remember that I love you, always.'

Hope left the room without looking back even though she wanted to. She knew that if she stayed and saw the look on Josie's face, she wouldn't be able to walk away and as much as it pained her to do so, she had to.

On the way to her room she saw Lizzie but she couldn't be bothered to say hi.

'Hey Jo what's wrong with Hope? I just saw her in the hallway and it looked like she was crying.'

Not getting a response, Lizzie looks up to see Josie on her bed, silently bawling her eyes out.

'Jo what happened? Talk to me.' Lizzie says as she wraps an arm around her twin.

'I just lost the love of my life and it's all my fault.'

The end... or is it?

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