We are never getting back together

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Hope and Josie had been dating for 3 months when 'Satan' otherwise referred to as Penelope came back from Belgium. Apparently she got kicked out of her school there and her mom shipped her back to Mystic Falls.

The first thing she did when she got there was seek Josie out. Imagine her surprise when she found not only Josie, but Hope and Josie sitting with their friends in the common area with Josie draped on Hope's lap like it was the most natural thing in the world for them. Little did she know, it was. So in true Penelope fashion, she decided to announce her return as dramatically as she could.

'Hey Jojo, miss me' she said as a statement not a question.

Josie, Hope, Lizzie, Mg, Kaleb and Jed all turned their heads to see Penelope standing there with a smirk on her face. And to think they had been having fun. It's not that they didn't like her, well Hope, Lizzie and Josie didn't and for good reason. It's just that with the monsters gone, everything had been chill and they knew that with Penelope back, things would be the opposite of that. Especially if she tried to go after Josie like the guys thought she would. Hope might actually rip her heart out.

Unfortunately during one of their battles with a Mali-monster, Hope was killed and activated her vampire side. It was a sad day for the super squad as they all knew their leader didn't want to become a vampire just yet.

Josie was there for Hope every step of the way and she has her blood lust and temper under control. But if Penelope hits on Josie, Hope will no doubt loose her shit and it won't be pretty. It's the possessiveness of her wolf that makes it hard to control herself when someone flirts with her mate.

The boys looked at each other and prayed to whatever god out there that Penelope wouldn't be dumb enough to challenge Hope seeing how it's very clear that her and Josie are together.

'What are you doing here satan? I though you were in Belgium?'

'Yeah we'll I got bored so I decided to come back here. I may have also had ulterior motives for coming back' Pen says as she looks Josie up and down.

' Oh fuck' Mg, Jed and Kaleb whispered at the same time. They knew exactly what was going to happen if Penelope didn't shut up.

'We'll as you can see Penelope, I'm taken and very happy so do us all a favorite and leave us alone.'

Josie could feel Hope tense under her at the sight of Penelope and began rubbing circles on the back of her hand to calm her down. Hope knew that she had Josie's heart but Penelope is very good at pushing people's buttons.

'Oh Jojo, don't tell me you're hanging with mutts now. Besides, you know you missed me.'

And... within a second Hope had Penelope pinned to the wall by her throat. Her eyes shining gold and her vampire veins were showing, along with her double set of fangs.

'She said to leave her alone, and unless you want me to rip out your vocal cords you're going to do just that. If I see you so much as look her way I won't hesitate to tear you to shreds. You lost all privilege to say those things when you broke her heart, twice. Josie is MY mate and us wolves tend to be possessive and protective of what's ours. If you value your life you'll use that brain of yours and leave us alone. You really don't want to find out what happens when you cross a Mikaelson. Especially when you're messing with the one we love. Also don't bother trying to threaten me back with some snide remark. You were no match for me before Park and you're definitely not one now that I'm a full tribrid.'

Hope feels Josie's hand on her shoulder and as she turns to face her, all her anger automatically melts away. Josie is looking at her like she hung the moon and stars in the sky.

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