Let me love you - Mario

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I decided to bring back the whole music class (glee club) aspect for this one because why not.

Today's topic in music class is hidden feelings. Everyone had to pick a song that described a secret feeling they had, whether it be love, admiration, friendship, etc, as long as it came from the heart, Mrs. Lopez-Pierce didn't care.

Now this may seem like an odd topic for class, having her students reveal their hidden feelings, most likely for each other, but she has a hidden agenda.

One of her favorite students Hope Mikaelson is dating douche bag Landon Kirby and he's cheating on her. Almost everyone can see it, including Hope but her fear of being alone stops her from leaving him. She doesn't think she's worthy of truly being loved and it hurts Mrs. Lopez-Pierce to see her like that.

She's hoping that with this assignment her other favorite student Josie will finally confess that she's in love with Hope. They've been best friends since grade school and Mrs. Lopez-Pierce can see the pain in Josie's eyes every time she watches Hope accept another one of Landon's dumbass excuses.

He also happens to be in her class and it might be wrong for a teacher to feel this way, but she really wants to see Josie humiliate him.

Once she dismisses the class for the day after giving them their assignment, she notices that Josie stayed back.

'Is everything okay Josie?'

'Huh oh yeah it's just, I think I know what song I want to sing for the assignment I'm just not sure if I should.'

'Want my advice?' When Josie nods her head, Santana continues.

'Landon is a jackass and everyone, including us teachers can see it. Anyone with eyes can see that you love Hope but you're holding back. Whether it's because you're scared or you're trying to be respectful of her asshat of a boyfriend I don't know. Either way, you should go for it. Hope deserves better than Landon, I've seen the way you look at her when she's not looking, you've got to just dive. Trust me I think you'll like the outcome.'

'Thanks Mrs. Lopez-Pierce, see you tomorrow.'

As she's walking to her free period, Josie thinks about what her teacher said. She's right, Hope deserves better than Landon and even if she doesn't feel the same, she has to at least try.

Next day in class

'Alright class, who wants to go first?'

Deciding to just get it over with before she looses her nerve, Josie raises her hand.

'Josie come on up, the floor is yours.'

'Thank you. So for my song I picked 'let me love you' by Mario. I'm not gonna say who it's for because it should be pretty self explanatory if you know me.'

(Play the song at the top)

Baby I just don't get it
Do you enjoy being hurt?
I know you smelled the perfume,
The makeup on his shirt...

Bad as you are you stick around
And I just don't know why.

Feeling bold, Josie looks at Hope who's sitting next to Landon when she sings the next part.

You should let me love you,
Let me be the one to...
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me love you.

Landon has a scowl on his face but Josie doesn't care. He's an asshole and everyone knows it. In return Josie just smirks at him before smiling at Hope.

You're a dime plus 99 and it's a shame,
Don't even know what you're worth.
Everywhere you go they stop and stare
Cause you're bad and it shows

Their friends in the class laugh at how true that statement is. Anytime they go out people legitimately stop to stare at Hope and she doesn't even notice. It's sad she doesn't realize how beautiful she truly is.

I'd be coming home (back to you)
Every night doin' you right

Josie can't count the amount of times Hope has complained about how bad Landon is in bed. He's selfish and doesn't bother trying to make Hope feel good. If given the chance, Josie would worship her like the goddess she is.

You deserve better,  girl  (you know you deserve better)
We should be together girl...
let me love you.

Once she finishes her song, the class erupts into cheers. Her friends immediately knew who the song was for and it didn't take the rest of the class very long to figure it out. They're all happy someone finally put Landon in his place.

'Wow Josie that was great. Now I know you said you weren't gonna name who the song was for, but is there any chance you changed your mind?' Mrs. Lopez-Pierce asked.

Still high on confidence, Josie says, 'Hope, the song was for Hope.'

'Ms. Mikaelson, do you have a response? Part of the reason I gave the assignment was to give you guys a safe outlet for your feelings and a safe space to talk.'

'I umm, I do you really feel that way Jo?'

'Yeah, I do. I have for a while but I kept it to myself because I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. It was fine until I realized he was cheating on you Hope. I couldn't idly stand by anymore because you deserve so much better than that.'

'Thank you, Jo, it really means a lot. Firstly: Landon we're done I can't believe I'd been so blind for so long. Secondly: I feel the same way Jo, I just didn't realize it because I was so wrapped up in everything else. But I can't jump into something right now. Not because I don't want to, but because I need time to heal and learn how to love myself before I can love you.'

'I get it Hope, I really do. I was the same way after Penelope and I want you to take all the time you need. I've loved you since I was 12, I think I can handle waiting a bit longer. And in the meantime I'm here for you however you need.'

I wanted to keep the ending open ended because I wanted them to end up together but felt that Hope needed time to heal from everything first. It wouldn't be right to either of them to have just jumped into a relationship with each other.

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