The Contract on the Corrupted

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3rd POV

Jaune and Toa with their respective girlfriends were standing outside of the elevator of Ozpin's tower.  The doors opened to reveal Maria Arc, Jaunes Mother. 

Jaune: "Mom,what are you doing here?." 

Maria: "I came for you my sweet boy." She placed a hand on his cheek. Jaune had a smile on his face.  He got out of Toa's grasp and walked to hug her. "I am so sorry I wasn't there when this all happened, I never should have left onto a contract."

Jaune: "It isn't your fault mom. We have duties. I wanted to ask though.  Why didn't dad train me? Did... did you both think I was that weak?"

Maria's face softened.

Maria: "I myself didnt. Your father, the baboon, did however. I honestly regret marrying him now."  She embraced her son in a hug. "No matter what that fool assumes, you are not a embarrassment,  or a disappointment.   You are my son, a true Arc heir." Jaune started to well with tears he was so happy.

Jaune: "I'll make you proud, I promise."

Maria: "My sweet boy, you already have." She broke off the hug. "Now than, Bleiss my dear, is everything okay with you? It's been a while since we last spoke." Ahe walked over to Bleiss who had already gotten out of Toa's grip.

Bleiss: "Every day I'd a good day when my darling is here." She kisses his cheek and gives Maria a hug. " if I may ask, what are you doing here today?"

Maria: "I came to discuss something with Toa and Jaune." She looks up to the two. "We have a contract, an important one that may change the balance of this world." As shevsaid this Toa and Jaune got serious. "It will also affect you Bleiss."

Bleiss: "How so mother?" (In this world Maria has Jaune's closest friends call her mother.)

Maria: "Let us discuss this inside, shall we."  We all looked over to see Ruby, Weiss, Pyrrha, and Natalie. "Now!" She turned towards the open elevator and everyone rushed in, the doors closed as the heard knocking and banging. "

Jaune: "I feel like I just dodged death."

Toa: "Same."

They shuddered as their girlfriends leaned on them.

Bleiss: "I'm more wondering why Weiss was trying to be mad. She lost her chance with Darling." She nuzzled into Jaune's chest.

Maria giggled at the two lovers.

Maria: "You know more than most, woman are odd creatures my dear."

They reached the office of Ozpin and entered after the doors slid open.  Before then was Ozpin, Ironwood, and Glynda.

Ironwood: "Raven's flock, it's good to
.. Bleiss?"

Bleiss: "Morningwood."

Ironwood: "It's Ironwood and you know it."

Bleiss: "I'll stick to my answer."

Jaune: "So what does Ozpin's inner circle require of thr Flock."

Glynda nodded and handed Jaune an envelope.

Jaune opened and looked at the picture of the target.

Jaune: "Is this a joke?" 

Toa, Neon, and Bleiss looked over to see a picture of Jacques Schnee, Weiss and Bleiss' father.

Ozpin: "It isn't, however it is not an extermination,  it's a purification. "  He pulled an image of Jacques up. The first thing everyone noticed was faint gray veins under his neck. "It seems he wasn't always evil. There is a Grimm Parasite inside of him, if we destroy it, Jacques will finally return to himself."

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