A Hunter must Hunt

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3rd POV

-4 months after the disappearance of Jaune and Team TITN

Life in Beacon was dull, the second and first years were perplexed on the disappearance of Team TITN and a young Jaune Arc, it wasn't known to the public but Team RWBY and Team JNPR were made aware.  Jaune was expelled, and the sister if Jaune, Jennie Arc, had taken her place. Though not many people enjoyed her company.  She was brash, rude, and had a God complex of sorts.

Pyhrra the poor girl was in distraught, the man she loved and the man who she kept his secret for was missing, it had been 4 months since the loss of him and she has been worst for wear.  Nora and Ren did all the could to help the spartan get over the knight, hit they themselves gave off despair as well, the thought of their brother falling from grace solely based on paperwork... it was disgraceful.

Team RWBY's leader Ruby, was at a loss, though she missed tall, blonde, and scraggly, she also missed a certain titan named Toa.  While Jaune was her first friend, Toa was her first crush. The way he was always there for her and would treat her like a leader and not a kid. It felt nice for her.  Yang was indifferent,  though she worried for the five's safety she never once thought more of it. Weiss was ecstatic, she didn't care that Jaune was missing, she just enjoyed the quiet. Blake became more recluse, she very rarely spend time with her team and would keep to the library. 

They all handled business on their own until one day a certain team was looking for answers in Vale.

Juniors Club
3rd  POV

A gentleman wearing a long black coat, a tri cornered hat and a cloth mask walks up to a bouncer.  The bouncer looks over the man and let's him in, he notices some familiarity within his outfit and presence.

The man walks up to the bar and takes a seat, he lays some shiny coins on the table and the bartender takes it, sliding him a glass full of an amber liquid.

Bartender: "Mister Arc, are you here to see the boss?" He cleans a glass as he is surveying the area.

Jaune: "Indeed I am, please tell him the Raven's flock needs information." The tender nodded and started walking towards a phone. He picked it up and dialed a number.

Bartender: "Good evening sir.... Yes he is here for information... no sir he hasn't tried anything rash.... of course I'll let him know."  He hung up the phone and walked towards Jaune. "He will be here shortly Mister Arc. Will you require a refill?"

Jaune: "I'll be okay, thank you. I'm curious on what he thought I'd do." Ilhe finished off the beer and slid him the glass. "After all I'm sure I've been quite fair with payments and everything." 

Bartender: "Oh that, he always asks when there is a strong fighter, sometimes he has to enter fights, so he wanted to know the right mentality to have."

Jaune: "That's fair, assuming what clients you may have."  He took his hat off, his hair a bit disheveled and slightly more of a pale blonde. His eyes while still be had a bit of red in them as well.

Junior: "Welcome Mr Arc, I hope you are feeling welcomed in our establishment,  how may I assist you?" 

Jaune turned to see Junior, he was a sturdy looking man who had wore a black suit with a red tie, he stood with confidence and a bit of joy. He's never had issues with Jaune or his team, but he knows better than to go in without his guard up.

Jaune: "As always Junior, your hospitality is very much welcomed and appreciated.   I'm only here for information on a potential target, Roman Torchwick." Jaune placed a bag on the table. Gold coins peeking out of the top. "Any if all information is fine."

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