chapter 5

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Jessica pov

I looked at Jada like bitch why u never told me about him. I went to shower and to do everything that I needed to do. I put on my black lace bra and pantie set. I put on high waist shorts and my white crop top that had the words "baddest bitch" in black. I brushed my hair up and in to a high pony tail and then I put it in a bun because I didn't feel like having all my hair on my neck. I walked out of the bathroom and looked at jada who was on her phone talking to chris I think.

" jada wheres my white flats ?" I said looking in her closet

"they should be by" she stopped and then looked at me " omg u look so sexy jess and they are by the bathroom' she said while taking pics of me.

"jadaaaaaaa stop" I said and while putting on my shoes.

"okieeee im sorry its just that you look really good!!!!" she took a long pause" make jay fell sometype of way by talking to trey" she said all excited and smiling.

"idonno jada I don't wanna hurt him" I said looking down.

im just not that type person to hurt and get revenge on another person im to kind hearted which really needs to change. I looked at jada and she had a look on her face like she wanted to tell me something bt didn't know how to tell it.

"jada is there something wrong ?"

"nooo" she said way to quickly and that's how I kno she lying.

"jada tell me"


"tell me " I said with all seriousness in my voice.

jada pov

I wanna tell her that jay got Nicole pregnant but im not the one to tell her that but then again I don't wanna see my bestfriend get hurt at the end of the day so ima just tell her.

" jess hun jay umm jay got Nicole pregnant.... im only telling u this because I don't wanna see u get hurt by him.. jess hes my brother and all but u deserve way better then him mama. and ive seen a lot of girls that he have hurt" I said and then wiped her tears.

" thanks for telling me jada ur a good friend." she said and then went into the bathroom I went downstairs to get something to eat while trey and chris were on they way to come and get me and jess. once I got downstairs I seen jay and this thing on the couch all cuddled up and shit like he don't have a girl. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. I found an apple and washed it. I went back to the living room and sat down pulled my phone out and started to look on insta.

"babe the baby is kicking" she whined and then smirked.

I looked up and seen jess on the stairs just giving them both of them death glares. just as I was about to say something I heard a car pull up signaling that chris was here.

" well jay im gone.. jess u ready mama?" I looked at her

" yea lemme just grab my bag "she said and ran back up the stairs and then came back 2 mins later. just as we was about to get in the car this nigga comes outside and stops us.

" babe wait" jay says and pulls jess to him and holds her.

Jessica pov

just as we about to get the hell outta there this nigga wanna come to me and touch me and shit umm hell no I don't think so nigga. he turned me around so that we was face to face.

" ummm tf do u want?" I said and snatched my arm away from him

"babygirl why you mad at me?' he said looking me dead in the eyes

I gave him the "are u serious nigga" look

"nigga you know exactly why im mad at ya ass" I said while folding my arms over my chest.

" babygirl" he said with puppy dog eyes

"just leave me alone and go back to ya baby momma" I said and then got into the car.

~4 hours later~

we have been at this damn mall for the longest and I just wanna go home. I was in forever 21 just looking around and mostly thinking.i didn't know how to tell jada that I was gonna move out after I spend my birthday with her or maybe before then... my birthday is tomorrow and thank the lord it was gonna be a Friday cause god knows that this week has been hell for me.

"jess u ready" chris said

I simply nodded my head and walked out of the store. I walked all the way to the car just quite and not in the mood to talk or speak to anyone.

"yall hungry ?" jada asked as trey was passing by burger king

I shook my head no and they all sighed and trey pulled off to the house.. once we got to the house I got straight out and then went to my room. I sat on the bed just staring at the wall until someone came into my room.

jaysanto pov

I was in my room just sitting down and thinking until I heard the front door open and jada and chris was talking ode loud. I walked out of my room and went to check on Jessica. I went to her room and walked in. she was so still and didn't even look back to see who was coming in her room. I walked over to her and kissed her and of coursed she kissed back. I guess she got into the kiss and she started to strip me and I did the same with her. after stripping each other down I started to kiss her from her lips and made my way down. I looked up at her and smirked then went in on her. she was arching her back and moaning.

"jaysantoo im about to cum" she said as she arched her back more

"let it go mami " as soon as I said that she came and I slurped it all up

"damn mami u taste good" I said then inserted her roughly

" jaysantooooooo" her words dragged as she was moaning ode loud

" ur tight baby" I said.. im not even gonna lie her tightness turn me on more and more.

after 4 rounds babck to back I had came 6 times in we layed in bed I looked to my right to see a peacefully sleeping Jessica in my arms. I kissed her forehead then went to sleep.


awww they so cute

lets see wat happens next

~ tay

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