chapter 11

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jessica pov 

after this thing named jaysanto left i sat down and called jada. i waited until she answered."jess can you come and get me ?" she sounded like she was crying" yea im coming " i told her hanging up i got up and put my shoes on. " chance ill be back " he yelled ok and i left. i got in my car and turned the radio up cause my song was playing. once i got to chris house i heard yelling and i seen a unfamiliar car outside. i got out and went to knock on the door.

chris came to the door and signed." jessica this isnt a good time" he said about to close the door but jada stopped him."you thought i was playing chris get the fuck out nigga im leaving ya ass you wanna fucking cheat shit go ahead i hope it falls off cause at the rate u going i sure it fucking will i hate youuuuu i hate that i fucking loved ya ass and you treated me like shit this time im done" she grabbed her bags and went to the car. i follows behind her and got in the car.i went back to my house and then went upstairs.

"jess come here" chance said once i came in the house" yea " i went him and he was getting dressed up." im gonna go see one of my hoes so ill be back later" i nodded and then went to my room. i took out my pjs and then went to shower. i let the water set and then stripped and jumped in the shower. i spent a good 30 mins in there when i was done i went and dried off and got dressed. i put my phone on the charger and then went to bed i was tired. 

jaysanto pov 

i went home after the whole situation with jessica. i didnt mean to tell her to kill the baby but damn man i was shocked but i will step up and do my job as a father to my son or daughter for both nicloe and jess. i need to make money and quick. i was snapped outta my thoughts by my phone.

"jay can you bring me food please" i told her ight and then went and pick up wat was ever on the way to her house. when i got to her house she opened the door and jumped on me i brought her upstairs and laid her on the bed. i gave her her food and then with in 5 mins half way thru her food she was alseep which was no surprise. i went to my main hoe house. when i got there i went upstairs where she was sleeping but that was all about to change. i stripped and got in between her legs and and pushed myself in her once i was all the way and started to speed up she screamed and scratched my back and locked her legs around me.

the 3rd round in i stopped mid way and looked at her. " your on birth control right?" she nodded and then i continued on shit as long as she was on it then i was good." daddy cum in me " i nodded and continued. i had so much energy in me  that we went all night and all day tbh i didnt care if she was sore as long as i was getting my frustration out then i was good. we was in about the 8th round and as i was about to go in her some girl walked in."my bad but i was wondering where u was today at school" "as you could see im kind of busy" the girl nodded "okay ill be downstairs" she closed the door and then peaches phone went off she answered it and then sighed then hung up" babe i gotta go to work tonight" i sighed and put on my boxers i went downstairs to find her friend doing homework in a big shirt but the way she was laying down i could she had on a thong  her shit was looking mighty good.

i went to the kitchen and got a water and then went back upstairs to see peaches getting dressed." what time you leaving work ?" i asked as i laid on the bed" well by now ik ima have to do over time so maybe not until sometime after 12:30 tmm" i looked at the time and it was 4 and we gotta outta school at 1 so that means she gonna be gone the whole day" ight bae ima be here waiting for if not ima call and let you know wassup " she nodded and then left. i watched out the window to make sure she was gone then i waited a good 5 mins and then went downstairs to mess with her friend. 

as soon as i got down there i see this girl asleep on the couch i went and made sure the door was locked she left her keys so ik she would have to call me to open the door for her. i went back to the living room and found the girl with her thong coming off it looked pretty expensive. see ik what yall saying " you got 2 baby moms and u got a girl" but guess what i dont give 2 fucks. ill fuck what i want when i want and right now i want her friend so that what im about to have. i went and got a cup of water and wet her shirt wen it was fully wet i seen that she had some big ass titts. i went in the kitchen to put the cup back and wen i was coming back i seen that she was getting up.

" hey wheres peaches and why is it went" she seemed innocent hmm ima change that" she went to work and tripped of ur book and my water had spilled on you my bad" she nodded and then went to get her books" ill get them you go change" she nodded and went to go change i picked them shits up so quick it was crazy i went upstairs and heard the shower running i went and locked her room door. i flushed the toilet and then she poked her head out of the shower and seen me" can you get out i dont know u" she said turning off the water about to get out" are you a virgin" she was shocked " yes i am get the fuck out you creep" i dont take to kind to disrespect" excuse me" i said going close to her " get the fuck out" she said i nodded and then left i got her ass just watch.

2 hours pasted and by now i had so much energy in me i need to left it out. i got up and went to the girl room and seen her laying there with her legs wide open her cat was just calling me. did i mention she was butt ass naked. she had her lamp on so i turned it off and i locked the door. she was a heavy sleeper so it shouldnt be a problem. i went and got her wet and then i opened her legs more and pushed in her when i was half way in her she opened her eyes." w-what are you doing" i shhed her and then went further after 2 mins i went in on her i had her screaming and yelling daddy all over we went all over the house shit. i had her addicted to this dick once she was sleeping i dipped out but ill be back later but its time to check on my babymomma. 

jessica pov 

i was awoken by jada staring at me. " how may i help you out lil lady" " im hungry ill be out and jay wants to talk to you today so ima leave yall alone." i nodded and then went to shower. after i showered i put on my rob cause the person at my door seem like they couldnt wait. no surprised it was jay. i went back to my room and then was like half getting dressed when i felt something go in me.i been horny and i needed this. he picked me up and then carried me to the bed and laid me down on it. we went four rounds. i was on his phone while he was in the kitchen some girl ft him and her boobs was out she covered up once she seen me and then hung up." jay take me to get some food nigga" i washed up and then got dressed.

we was in the car i got my food so i was on could 9 boiii im telling you i bed ode tried" aye jess have you ever been with a girl ?" i was awake by now and it was on my mind. tbh i never told jay but me and jada the reason why we so close or watever is because one night after i picked her up from chris house she was crying and i thought she was drunk and jay was out with his boys. i brought her back to the house and then we was in her room and it got hot so i stripped down to my thong and a tube top and she was just naked i didnt mind tho. so i was sleep but not really when i felt her lips on mine i opened my eyes and kissed back we was like that until she did some other shit so basically i fucked her and its been like that ever since. 

"umm yea y" i asked looking at him " no reason you seem like the type to be" i rolled my eyes and then he pulled up to my house i leaned over to kiss him. yeah yeah thats my ex or whatever but if i want his ass he will be mine but until then hes my lil toy shit i could play his game too. i used tounge and all for a good 10 mins and then got out while he slaped my ass. yes our relationship is werid but oh well its how we are. 

jaysanto pov 

i licked my lips as i watched her walk up the stairs and then headed back to peaches house to see if she was home shit after jess i needed some sex. i pulled up to the house and i seen a next car in the drive way. i heard yelling from the outside when i went inside i seen some dude and maddie talking the same girl that i fucked." yo maddie where my girl at ?" i asked " she went outta town" i nodded and headed to the kitchen" yo who the fuck is that nigga is he the nigga you cheated on me with ?" i heard nothing but the door slam and stompping going upstairs. 

"so who that nigga" i asked as she stripped" thats my ex " i nodded and then went straight to business.

jess pov 

wen i got in the house only jada was there she was in my bed. i stripped down and got in there with her." hey sexy " i laughed she pulled me close and then kissed me i was shocked cause its been a long ass time since we really kissed" whats wrong " she sighed lordd its gonna be one long ass night.

ight sooo i changed it up yes jay is a fuck boy and and yes jess and jada are into eachother if you dont like it ohhh welll i needed a new idea so imma see how this goes..... anyways latersss -tay 

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