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"Here are some other artworks of mine." Calvin pointed towards some crafts of his. The one that caught your eye was a pile of trash. It may look like a piece of junk however the shadow shows something intricate and beautiful.

On your walk with Calvin (and Lois,) there were various people pointing and awing at the painter before you. Some even send curious glances towards you for being a company to this world's famous painter.

There are also some who noticed who you are, and gradually, almost everyone began to take their phones out and began to move closer towards the both of you asking bizarre questions.

"Calvin! What's your relationship with this woman?"

"(Y/N)! What happened to Lois?!"

"Are you both in a relationship?!"

These questions didn't go unnoticed by your boyfriend. Lois felt so left out, does anyone even see him? Notice him holding your hand?

Fortunately, five to six guards came and pushed the crowd back, giving you three some space.

Calvin just stood there with his back facing the people. He moves his eyes to the side not even trying to move his body around. His eyebrows furrowed and his nose scrunched up in annoyance.

"Lois is better for you (L/N)!!"

"Calvin deserves someone on the same rank as him!! (Y/N) is just a mediocre model."

He was kept silent as the crowd continually pesters you and him with questions, accusations, and opinions. At this point, you could almost see veins popping up on his neck.


"I do not accept this behavior in my own museum, with my very own guests and artworks." Calvin folded his arms and faces the group of people.

"Leave immediately if you wish to continue this riot. If you are here to view my artworks without being a nuisance, then stay." His stern voice boomed and bounced against the walls. You could almost hear an echo.

Lois still held your hand in his. Gulping down his saliva. With you, doing the same. A few people in the crowd finally took notice of Lois' presence.

Slowly the group of people began to disperse and silently move away from the three of you. However, a group of teenagers together with a few paparazzi still stayed, wishing to ask more about Calvin's relationship.

"I would still want to know—" the girl with dyed red colored hair was immediately pulled back by the guards and was violently pushed outside of the building. The other teens who witnessed this were left agape.

Calvin kept his chin up with his eyes squinted towards the people in front of him. The teens walked away and the paparazzi stayed. The large expensive cameras hung below their neck gave Calvin the cue that they are those people.

The painter points his index finger towards the two people with the said camera. Then he makes his finger swish to the other side, motioning the guards to bring them out too.

Once there were no more people left to pester you both, Calvin turned around to face you. His fierce look was now replaced with a face of worry. "I'm sorry for that disturbance. I'll make it up to you with dinner at my place tonight. Your company with me is also very well appreciated."

Once again, Lois felt left out. When a few of the people earlier made eye contact and noticed him, he felt better, knowing that people acknowledge him as your boyfriend. But here he is again, being invisible to another's eyes, and probably seen as a third wheel despite his hands intertwined with yours.

You noticed the discomfort of your boyfriend. "Would it be alright if my boyfriend comes too? He's lonely." You came up with a petty excuse just to help your boyfriend. Besides, you may actually need Lois' presence.  The last time you were with Calvin in his house felt awkward with just the both of you.

Calvin's eyes lidded. 'What a baby.' He then at your boyfriend. But he wants to make a good impression on you. Forcefully pulling the ends of his lips upwards, he smiled. "Sure!" His plump lips twitched.

You let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you once again, Mr. Doris." Your eyes closed as you give him a big grin.

After an hour of him guiding you through his artworks, explaining them and stuff, you and Lois were led to a car, with Calvin leading you both.

Before you know it, you arrived at the same house you were in last Saturday. Similar to before, the long dinner table was prepared with candles, a range of delicious food, and together with three plates.

The same bird from before flew towards your shoulder to greet you. "Oh, Loro!" Calvin chuckled, moving closer towards you, petting the bird.

From Lois' perspective, you both look like a happy couple. This sight not only disheartened him but also left him fuming.

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