a cold October night

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If you asked Gabriel Agreste what his probably worst day in his life could be, he would probably answer that it was the night of October 27th.
He would tell how clearly he could remember the day and the events that happened.
It had been a cold October night. The rain plagued the whole town with its constant dwelling, ruining all activities that could have been done outdoors and thus turning a plain autumn day into a moderately cheerful autumn day, pelted with all its might and brace against the window of the room Gabriel was in.
He didn't notice it himself, however, as he was busy listening to his wife's last words while holding her hand tightly in his.
It had been an accident. While trying to sweep the leaves of the large oak tree that was on the property from the balcony in front of her room, she slipped and fell over the porch and down into the depths. A terrible sight that Nathalie Sancoeur, Gabriel's assistant, had not been spared of as she had whitnessed it.
She then immediately called an ambulance and got Adrien, Emilies son, away from the scene as possible, while Gabriel had tried desperately to administer first aid to his wife.
In vain however.
Everyone present quickly became aware of the seriousness of her injuries, and even the first responders quickly realized what chances Emilie had. Despite everything, she had been taken to a hospital, to which Gabriel had followed her. Nathalie herself stayed at the villa to take care of Adrien in a desperate attempt to not make him realize just what curel faith awaits him now.
But since everything had to be done quickly and Adrien didn't want to stop crying, Gabriel had told them to drive up, he would come after them as soon as possible when he had calmed his still very young son down.

"Adrien" he tries as he kneels down to put his hands on his sons shoulder and look him in the eyes. "I have to go for a few hours."

"What.. is with mommy.." the son cried desperatly gasping for air

"Promise me, you will be a good kid and wait her for me."

"But what is about mommy?"

Carefully Nathalie approched the men and his son to take Adriens Hand "We can wait for her inside. Do you want to watch that TV show you like so much?"
The boy looked at her and slightly nooded

"Nathalie will stay here with you, Adrien. I will be back soon" the men said before standing up. He quickly exchanged looks with the women as his way of saying 'thank you' before he run to the car.

"Emilie.." he breathed her name now softly while gently planting a kiss on her knuckles. The beautiful woman slowly opened her eyes once more to look at the man in front of her. How pale he looked. His hair, which was usually combed back so perfectly, was untidy and scattered in all directions. His otherwise perfectly fitting clothes were soaked and disheveled. There was no doubt that he must have hurried to get to her. Had he walked all the way through the rain? Running perhaps?

"My dear..." Emilie greeted her husband, who got up to put his hand on her cheek. All without letting go of her hand.

"I'm here," Gabriel assured her.

"I'm so sorry.." the woman in bed tried to explain herself. "It's my fault.. I should have been more careful.."

"No, no!" Gabriel contradicted her with a shake of the head. "It was an accident.. I'm sorry I wasn't with you... You always told me to work less.. I should have listend.."

"No, that wa-" Emilie tried to explain before a fit of coughing overcame her and made it impossible to speak any further for a moment. Gabriel was painfully aware his wife would only have minutes. He gently squeezes her hand to continue to clasp it. Gentle tears welled up in his eyes.

"You don't have to tell me anything. I was able to spend many wonderful years with you, made you my wife and had a son with you. I have no regrets in my life with you."

"Adrien.." Emilie breathed out "Please take care of him.. you know how he is.. he's so easily frightened.. remember he needs a bedtime story.. otherwise he won't sleep well. He is... much too young.. to have to live without a mother.. "

"I'll promise you, I'll read him one every night" Gabriel said to her while gently squeezing her hand one more time "I promise you.. he'll be a great boy and an even better men... and I'll make sure he'll never forgets you."

Emilie closed her eyes with a soft smile on her lips. "Thank you Gabriel..." were her last words before the strength in her hands and the rest of her body left her and she collapsed. The sound of the machine to which his wife was connected also gave him confirmation.
Emilie had left this world.
Gently, Gabriel laid his wife's hand beside her and gave her one last kiss on her forehead before falling into a deep silence, only occasionally broken by the loud storm raging outside his window.

10 years later

"Celine. Celine wake up! Now!"

Nathalie called to her sister in an desperately attempt to wake her up once more. She kept wondering how her sister managed to be a grown woman with a steady job, and even be successful at it, but at the same time not be able to wake up on her own. Something kids as young as 10 can do.
Annoyed by her daily task, Nathalie looked over to the alarm clock which was on Celine's bedside table. It was 6:43 a.m.
If things went on like this, she would be late herself. She didn't have any time. There would be a big gala soon. An event she's been working toward for months. So much preparation had yet to be made, questions were waiting to be answered and knowing her boss, so many design ideas were still waiting to be changed.
She would also have to take care of the gathering and the location..
At the mere thought of her work, Nathalie shook her head in annoyance. This would be overtime again, which only on her paycheck would at least feel like it was worth it.
Nathalie slowly grabbed the alarm clock and set it again to the time when it was supposed to ring to make a shrill noise.
She now held the alarm clock to Celine's ear directly so that she wouldn't overhear it this time.

"Celine, would you please get up now.." she admonished her sister once more.

"hmmm..." the woman on the bed let out a tired, quiet grumble while she slowly grimaced and  contracted her body. "5 more minutes.."

"You don't have 5 minutes left. Not since you've already slept through 10 minutes"

The woman in the bed slowly opened her eyes and blinked at Nathalie, which Nathalie took as confirmation to be able to switch off the alarm clock. After all, Celine was someone who was really awake once she opened her eyes. And now she wouldn't have to worry about falling asleep again.

"Morning. Remember, you let your class write an exam today. Fresh coffee is already ready and please, learn to stand up on your own." Nathalie explained to her while she put the alarm clock back in its original place.

"But then I wouldn't see you in the morning!" Celine protested before sitting up and wiping a strand of hair from her face.

"Just think about your assignments today," the woman replied before turning and leaving the room.

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