Goldeneye Part 1

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One of the first memories Nathalie had was the one in which she sat in the loving arms of her father and listened to what he was telling her. He would then always sit in his beloved emerald-colored armchair. On the small wooden table next to them, 2 cups of tea would always be placed, which neither of the two paid much attention to. Sometimes both of them would sit there and just talk, other times he would hold a book and tell Nathalie another story from it as he could watch her eyes light up with the more he would reading. And in Nathalie's favorite moments he would wrap his hands around her and sing a song to her. It was an English song the meaning of which Nathalie could only find out many years later, but at that time back then,she hadn't bothered her at all to not fully understand it. She would listen curiously to the sounds of her father while he gave her this audition. After all she could sing it with him. A single part at least. And that when ever he would sing "Let it be"
Melanchonically moved by this memory, Nathalie now reached for the picture that was placed on the drawer. It was a picture that the good old days had forever trapped in this one, but for Nathalie it mostly was nothing more but bad memories that aroused her. Except today.
Nathalie smiled sadly at the man in the picture. "Happy birthday, Dad" she breathed out softly before giving him a kiss and putting him back in his place. The silver ring, the only souvenir and heirloom that Nathalie owned from her father, sparkled for a brief moment as the few rays of sunshine that hit him through the large window.
It had been some time in Paris since Hawkmoth launched another attack with Truth. The strange thing was that he hadn't dared to try again since then. Nathalie knew it would only be a matter of time before this would change. But she would think of it when the time came. She had other worries right now. She continued to avoid her sister whenever she could, so as not to be confronted with an unpleasant truth and a conversation. 'I'm childish ...' it always shot through her head. But not today.
Carefully she took the bouquet which she had previously got from her table and walked to the door. One last time she turned Nathalie to her dresser to catch a glimpse of the picture before she left the room.

The bus ride that Nathalie made was long and difficult for her. Not least because everyone, who consider themselves interested in fashion, was knowing her face and this fact made her feel like people where just starring at her. The downsides that resulted from working for a well-known and famous fashion designer like Gabriel Agreste. For Nathalie this was reason enough to prefer a car over public transport. But today was one of those rare days when she preferred to take the bus to the nearest cemetery like someone normal, while she skilfully ignored some of the looks that were thrown at her. 'the red streak maybe was a bad idea after all' she thought while fixing her gaze out of the window.
The job had taught her to keep a cool head and not show her feelings openly, a skill that also helped her in such situations.
What bothered her, however, was the intrusive look of the little kwami in her coat pocket, which betrayed just by looking at what burned the being to the soul.
Nathalie was at least grateful that Duusu managed to hold back so far that no one could notice her. She didn't had a not exactly inconspicuous color scheme. And Nathalie wasn't sure she could talk her way out of it when someone would see Duusu in a way that people would believe her.
She hastily glanced out the window before pressing the button to stop the bus in order to leave it at the next stop. Quickly she made her way out of the crowd and with a last look over the shoulder she confirmed that she could now continue her way undisturbed. "What do you want, Duusu?" she asked her little comrade who then crept a little further into her pocket. "Nothing .." Duusu mumbled quickly, which made Nathalie sigh. "You have been looking me since we left the house. What's troubeling you?" she repeated her question in other words, hoping to get an answer now.
"I .. well," Duusu stuttered quietly before fixing her gaze on Nathalie. "A-are you okay?" she asked cautiously.
"Why shouldn't I be fine?"
"Well ... you've been avoiding Miss Celine for days." before she paused briefly and directed her little arms towards the bouquet of white lilies in Nathalie's hand "And these flowers ... I don't know what it's like to lose someone to death but .. doesn't that always make you people sad?"
A slight smile formed on Nathalie's face as she glanced at Duusu before turning to a corner. "Death isn't always a bad thing. It's sad to lose someone you like, but in some cases it's the better option. And it is now an inevitable fact that will come to every living being. "
"Better option?"
"Assume that one of your Kwami friends would suffer from an illness. You cannot cure it, only alleviate the symptoms from which your friend is suffering. Death would save him from it, because this is not cruel but peaceful."
Amazed and with big eyes, Duusu looked up at her "But .. Kwamis don't die .."
"It's a hypothetical situation. The death of my father is something I have to live with"
"But .. what about Celine?"
"That's just a small difference of opinions" Nathalie mumbled in a tone as if she had to convince herself that would be the reason why she avoided her sister.
"But how can you have different opinions if you're not talking at all?"
"It's ... just complicated .." Nathalie mumbled one more time as she ruffled her hair before turning a corner into the cemetery "Can you give me a moment?"
"Sure" confirmed Duusu before she disappeared deeper into Nathalie's jacket pocket.

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