The Day Karasu awoken

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The unbridled anger that burned in Mayura spurred her to rush behind the man in the raven outfit at a good pace. Her exhaustion was gone. Or at least she didn't notice it any more.
With one leap she had climbed up the walls to reach the roofs, from which she could better observe the man in the distance. He had already gained a good lead. So that he was only visible to her as a small silhouette on the horizon.
'Shit!' Mayura cursed before her gaze fell to her fan. Should she create a Sentimonster? But which one? None of those she had already created would help her here in this situation. Maybe later. But not now.
On the other hand, Karasu was already a good distance away from her, soon he would be gone as he escaped her gaze. How could he still have so much strength to be so fast?
Squinting her eyes together, she plucked one of its feathers from the fan, colouring it with the palms of her hands and then concealing it in her own Miraculous. She didn't think about what she wanted to create. Rather, she created this Sentimonster with a wish. The desire to find for her what she desired most. With this kind of request, a Sentimonster came to life. It was a Sentimonster in the shape of a small jellyfish, quite tiny, yet that gave it a certain charm. Almost cute.
Satisfied with her accomplishment, Mayura nodded once before ordering the Sentimonster to do what she created it to do. To show her what she desired most. The way to track Karasu.
Hastily, the Sentimonster pointed its small tentacles in a direction.
Mayura turned her head in the direction, only to find out it pointed in the direction she had just come from and where Hawk Moth still was. Probably.
'... Well fantastic...' she thought.
"Not THIS desire" she protested "Show me where Karasu is!"
Startled, the jellyfish retracted its tentacles before stretching them in a different direction.
"Good" Mayura replied "Come on"

The Sentimonster followed her purposefully until both had arrived at a small, completely dilapidated building that had probably been abandoned for years.
Mayura started to appraise the situation. Had she conveyed the wrong things to the Sentimonster? Create it under false pretences? Or was this really the place where Karasu had fled. The building looked like an old company building in which a fire had devastated everything inside 1 year ago. She remembered hearing about it on the news.
The brickwork of the building looked correspondingly tanned and many of the windows had burst under the pressure of the heat.
But she didn't know why nobody had bothered to rebuild it. It's just been empty ever since. Possibly no new buyer for the building had simply been found yet.
Slowly she looked down from the roof to the street. As you might expect, she was on a secluded street. The building was at the end of a cul-de-sac. No one would stray here on purpose. The only thing that was with her there, was the sign announcing that this building would soon be demolished.
The whole situation reeked of the smell of a trap. Even a blind man with a cane could see that.
Again she carefully crouched down behind the walls of the building, on which she was hiding, in order to focus her gaze on the Sentimonster. Nothing about this one suggested it would show any time soon that Karasu had moved. It seemed much more as if it wanted to say "You have reached your destination."
With a soft sigh, Mayura turned her attention back to the building. This time on what was happening in the building. At least what she was able to see from her location.
She could see a shadow in the building. How he flitted back and forth. Almost as if it were expecting her.
With a queasy feeling in her stomach, she crept away from her seat, around the building, to the back entrance through which she crept inside.
She could faintly hear the sound of footsteps. No doubt. Karasu had to be here.
Mayura quickly scurried from pillar to pillar to remain undetected.
She stopped at a wall, a few metres from where she could jump up to where Karasu was. She cautiously caught a glimpse of Karasu, as final proof that he was really here. 'Got you'
With a slight grin, she jumped in a zigzag pattern along the walls to surprise Karasu from behind. Before he could react, she grabbed his collar and pulled him so hard that he was thrown to the ground.
With a quiet "Arg!" Karasu slammed to the ground, from which he immediately rolled and looked into Mayura's satisfied face. He quickly breathed out before speaking. "Too bad, I was hoping that you would jump through one of the windows, for example. Like they always do in action movies,"
"You watch too much TV," she retorted before reaching out to kick him.
Immediately, Karasu rolled to the side to straighten up to get ready to fight too.
He swung his fist as an opener to hit the woman, but she knew how to defend herself.
A scuffle broke out between the two, in which neither could really gain the upper hand.
Knowing that she would not let him escape this time, Mayura took the chance to grab Karasu's arms and hold him by them. With a targeted kick in the stomach area, during which she elegantly turns around her own axis, she puts him back on the ground.
"Let's end this right here right now!" she announced before hastily reaching for her fan to pluck another feather from it. Immediately she turned it blue to make him disappear into her Miraculous again. However, she didn't succeed. A barricade built by her own powers prevented her from inserting the feather into the Miraculous.
"W-What?" she gasped, startled, only to get a punch from Karasu the next moment, which this time made her fall to the ground. "Stupid thing. You can only summon one Sentimonster at a time. Have you ever delved into the Miraculous?" Karasu replied, who had fixed his gaze rigidly and gloomily on the woman lying on the ground. He wasn't grinning like usual, no, he was just staring. His hair was a little dishevelled and some strands fell into his face, in which she could see his eyes. They seemed cold, without any sympathy. Only a hint of a green shimmer could be seen in them from time to time. It sent a shiver down Mayura's spine, causing her to clench her teeth. 'Damn!' she cursed. 'Why did I have to forget to destroy my old sentimonster right now?!'
She immediately jumped back onto her legs and brought her thumb to her middle finger to snap them.
"Oh no! Not today!" announced Karasu, who came storming right back to her. He immediately grabbed her hand and shoulder, pushing her back to the floor, now lying over her.
"Get. off. me!" Mayura prompted while trying to break free of his grip. If only he wasn't stronger than her.
With a knee kick in his stomach area, she knocked him back to the ground at a remarkable pace. The woman quickly got back on her feet and they faced each other again. Fists together again.
"You really have changed!" she snapped at him angrily
"Didn't we already figure that out?" he just replied before trying to grab her hands again, which she wouldn't let him do.
"We were so close, but now I don't recognize you at all"
"This again? Didn't we agree to never talk about it again?"
"So you do remember it. What we agreed on when we were young teens. Nice. Then explain to me why you changed so much!"
Again she could see how the man gritted his teeth. For a split second, she too could watch the green glow come back. "That's none of your damn business!" he hissed.
For a second, Mayura felt like a sword pierced her heart. Slow and painful. It hurts her that she knew the man. They were once very close. And now? Now she didn't recognize him. At all.
She felt the feeling of anger being replaced a bit by the feeling of sadness.
She would be really interested in what happened to him that made him become this monster.
In a split second, Mayura grabbed his wrist, twisted it around, and jerked his balance with her leg, throwing him to the ground.
"I would be really - really - interested in what happened to you."

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