Goldeneye Part 2

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Nathalie carefully looked over her hand which she held in front of her face. Her body felt so different, lighter and yet stronger. It was completely different from when she transformed into Mayura. Her strength this time did not come from a Miraculous, but from herself, from the feelings that plagued her. Now they served her as her greatest driving force.
Quite different from when she borrowed Duusu's powers.
"How do you like it my dear?" Hawkmoth's voice rang out while a shimmering purple mask reappeared in front of her face.
Nathalie didn't answer. Much more, she lowered her head to the place where Duusu was recently. Little Kwami must have run away and disappeared because Nathalie couldn't see her anywhere.
"If I could make a suggestion," Hawkmoth made another attempt to get an answer from his latest creation. "You could take revenge on the people that hurted you. You might even find a Miraculous on the way."
Nathalie slowly raised her gaze again and looked directly into the mask in front of her face. "You are very interested in my life. Is there a reason for that?" she said with a slight grin on her lips. Where did this sudden self-confidence come from? Otherwise she would do anything to not let anyone share her feelings. So what changed that she would do it now? Was it because it was impossible to hide them in front of Hawkmoth? Or was it just because of her new shape?
"I'm just giving you a starting point. It is up to you what you want to do now, as long as you bring me the Miraculous of the peacock." For a brief moment Nathalie could hear the sound of grinding teeth before Hawkmoth continued, "From this annoying woman" he added, which made Nathalie grin even more.
"What if she doesn't show up?"
"She always shows up .. and she always gets in my way."
"You really don't seem to like her."
"Enough about her!" announced Hawkmoth with a sharp, annoyed tone before he let the mask disappear and with it the communication for now.
Nathalie liked the idea of how he should have an annoyed, strained look just now. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe she did not like her other self. And of all the things in the world, she definitely didn't want Hawkmoth to like her. Neither as Mayura nor as Nathalie.
Slowly she turned away from her father's tombstone, over to one of the rows of houses in Paris, onto whose roof she jumped and went into the distance. She had not yet made up her mind with which of her feelings and the corresponding person she would deal with first. But she was sure that, of all the places, in the cemetery she would certainly not be able to make up her mind at all.

Panting and with an impressive speed, Duusu raced over the roofs, away from the cemetery where she had to watch her own owner become akumatized.
Little silver tears shimmered in her eyes, which were blown in the wind over her little cheeks. She had her Miraculous, the peacock's brooch, clutched tightly in her arms.
What should she do now? Who should she entrust this Miraculous to?
Logically, there was only one answer to both of these questions, but she was uncertain even with this one. What should she choose to do?
Celine knew about her, had the powers that Mayura had already experienced herself, but was she suitable for this mission?
But what other choice did Duusu have in this situation. She couldn't just entrust this great responsibility to someone complete stranger.
Duusu quickly looked around to the back once again. Goldeneye didn't seem to be chasing her, so she escaped the situation. But it still hurt to see something like that.
The feeling of helplessness spread throughout the little being.
Of course she had noticed how something must have worried Nathalie in the past few days. But she didn't know that there were so many things. However, she tried to talk to her, to help her to have an open ear for her. But she probably lacked the right skills for precisely this when she was unfortunately only a Kwami and not a person.
"Miss Nathalie ..." she sighed softly before she added before she flew even faster.

Celine carefully folded the pile of papers in the palm of her hands by hitting them softly on the table in front of her. They were the last sheets of tasks that her class would receive as exercises before the upcoming exam.
Confident in the knowledge of her class, she smiled to herself before laying the papers to one side. She had always been proud of the fact that the students in her class will pass this exam as well. She was never really worried. She believed in them and in her skills to teach them.
Relaxed, she leaned back in her chair, ready to eat the cheese sandwich in front of her, when a bang on the window made her startle.
Immediately she could see Duusu, who had made it through the window, but not the brooch she was holding.
Completely dissolved and out of breath, little Kwami first looked at the Miraculous, who was swaying back and forth on the window ledge, and then at Celine.
"Duusu? .." the woman asked the little creature while she swayed to her feet and came to the window. Thank goodness she was currently alone in the teachers room so that nobody could disturb them.
"I-It .... well .... w-what ..." Dusuu gasped while watching Celine as she opened the window to fished the Miraculous in her hand from the ledge.
"Take a deep breath," ordered Celine while grabing the brooch and stand up straight again. After she gently took Duusu in her hands to carry her to her table and hold out a spoon of her coffee which the kwami devoured directly. It took two more before the kwami had calmed down enough to be able to speak again.
"Miss Nathalie ... she ... she has been akumatized!"
"Nathalie? Akumatized?"
The Kwami quickly nodded and pointed to the Miraculous. "I didn't know where else to go ... you have to save her!"
Duusu shyly raised her head to look into Celine's soft green eyes. "Please ..." she added in a soft, broken tone.
Celine gently stroked the kwami's little cheek with her thumb before looking to the Miraculous in her hand.
"Do not worry." she said confidently. "This is nothing we can't fix."

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