chapter thirty six

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I've decided I want to write from like an author perspective instead of doing point of views? I wanna give it a try since all my books are literally POV x but welcome to Book 2 second half <3

Sorry for the long breaks and pauses! I am very inconsistent but I'm trying guys!

Acacia had barely gotten any rest these past few days. She spent a lot of her time in bed thinking about the events that had taken place these past few weeks. Azrael was worried about her, she kept telling him she was fine but he knew better. It was Thursday, 5 days after the incident on Sunday and 2 days before the official grand opening of Cyncere. He hadn't heard anything from Pino till today, he let him know that Miguel, the worker who pointed the gun at Acacia, was handled 'accordingly'. Azrael was pleased to hear that and he was also happy that he wasn't hearing much noise from Pino but it also worried him.

Azrael was making some food for Acacia, he had to be at the lounge because there was still a few things to do and he also had to check in with his other businesses. He made her her favourite go-to breakfast, sesame seed bagels with boiled egg and avocado. He carried the plate into the bedroom, he walked over to her as she was just laying in bed watching Marriage boot-camp. "I made you something to eat" Azrael said as he placed the plate of food on the side table, "Thank you, I'm not hungry though" she said, he sighed which made her look up at him. Acacia wasn't sad or upset, she was just exhausted. She didn't feel like doing anything which was odd for her, she just wanted to lay in bed for a few days and watch her favourite tv shows, she was getting her mind right before her birthday trip which was well needed.

"Please just eat it, I'm worried about you" he said as he took a seat on the edge of the bed, she smiled at him "You don't have to worry about me, I'm having a moment. A lot has happened these past few weeks I just.. I feel like doing nothing for a little bit" she said as she picked the little piece of lint on his Amiri jumper. He could understand that but he did still worry because he'd never seen her like this before, he just wanted her to be happy. "Okay, I understand that. Just make sure you eat it please" he said as he moved some of the hair in her face away, the silk press she had previously gotten was no longer silky or pressed. "I'm gonna go to Cyncere and help with the prep for Sunday then I've got a few meetings scheduled about renewal for one of the tenants housing contract but I should be back by like 6? I'll make us something to eat" he said as he smiled at her, she gave him a smile back. She admired the effort, "I can't wait for Cyncere to open, I'm ready to see all your hard work come to life" she said as she rubbed his shoulder, as she was looking at Azrael she remembered something Pino said to her in the car, 'I will never hurt you so you have no reason to ever fear me'. She thought a man like that would want people to fear him, she was the fiancé of the man that works for him, her fear controls him which worked in his favour. "I haven't heard much from Pino... you still working with him?" she asked, he shook his head "I haven't you know but he did tell me he.. he handled my man that got out of line with you. Told me today still" he said rubbing her cheek "No one's ever gonna hurt you, I know you might be scared right now but I've got this under control right now. I've got people watching the crib right now" he said, Acacia didn't want to feel like she needed to be baby-sat, she was a grown woman and wanted to feel free.

"I'm not a kid Azrael, I don't want to feel like I need to be watched over" Acacia said as she picked up the plate, she wanted to try some of the food Azrael prepared for her. "I know you ain't but doesn't change the fact that I wanna keep you safe init but I'm gonna go, if you need anything or you just wanna talk call me okay?" he said, she nodded her head  as she took a bite out of her bagel, he gave her kiss on the cheek before grabbing his Amiri bubble coat. Azrael did think it was time he switched it up, he wanted to start wearing a few suites from time to time. He wanted to feel like a proper business man, he was a millionaire with multiple businesses and was about to open another one, he wanted to dress the part and expand his fashion palette.

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