8: Ghost???

9K 305 29

Song: Loco- ITZY

It was a beautiful afternoon with the warm sun shining down on the trees while the wind blew against them.

The Bulletproof gang were all in their own places. Yoongi had gone out for a meeting while Taehyung, Jimin, Lisa and Jackson went to a bowling alley.

Y/n decided to stay home. She slowly walked downstairs because her nose picked up a delicious aroma. Reaching towards the kitchen, her eyes travelled to the person standing in front of the stove.

"You're cooking?" She asked

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"You're cooking?" She asked

"Why so surprised? I'm great in cooking just like in every other thing" Jungkook answered back

"No need to show off and start bragging about your entire life history!" Y/n rolled her eyes

She came into the kitchen and saw the ingredients kept put on the counters. There were many things scattered across the kitchen counters as well as a bowl filled with flour next to the stove where there was a pot.

Y/n poked her finger into the pot to taste the sauce that had such a mouthwatering smell.

"It tastes amazing right?" Jungkook asked proudly, after seeing y/n taste his sauce

"It's as SH*TTY as your looks" y/n playfully responded

She lied. It tasted as AMAZING as she thought it would. Better than her own "cooking"

Jungkook angrily came face to face with y/n. She was still unbothered, so he grabbed her arm and made her look at him face to face as well.

"Every single person in this country would die for me! My looks are way better than yours" Jungkook spoke, clearly offended by y/n's previous comment

"please— I have literally been asked to go in multiple fashion shows and modeling jobs. It's not my fault you're blind" y/n shrugged

"No you're blind!! I'm handsome as heck and you're the sh*tty one here" he spoke

ANGER rushed through y/n's body because Jungkook had yet again started another argument with her. She picked up the bowl of flour next to her and threw it on his face.



Y/n laughed at his white face covered with flour. As if on cue, she ran put of the kitchen and outside to the garden. Jungkook angrily chased after her with the whole bag of flour.

They ran and ran outside until y/n was getting tired and slower. Jungkook seemed to have a great body for running miles without getting tired. She ran inside the house and locked herself into an unknown room.

The door banged and banged before it stopped. She could hear footsteps walking away.

"FINALLY I CAN BREATHE" y/n collapsed onto the floor

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