Chapter 1. The Lonely Girl

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- Beautiful handwriting! – the guy said, approaching her at school.
They were both in the 11th grade. The young man's name was Roma Lester. A simple, energetic boy lived life to the fullest, denying himself nothing. He plays sports, plays guitar, composes songs, but, sadly, could not sing them – since childhood, damaged vocal cords didn't allow him to unleash the potential of the singer. He spoke softly, but confidently.
Anya Shorokhina was the complete opposite of the guy: a quiet, modest introvert, trying not to draw too much attention to herself. And she managed it with great success – even the teachers didn't notice her. Secretly, the girl was engaged in drawing and writing books.
- I'm sorry, what? – carried away by the idea of a new work, the girl didn't even notice that someone approached her.
- Beautiful handwriting, I said! Did you write it yourself? – the guy answered her.
- Have you read it?! - Anya turned to him, simultaneously covering the manuscript with a sheet of paper.
- Well, yes, I read a little. I liked it! I'm waiting for the continuation now, - the young man winked and offered his hand. – I'm Roma, let's get acquainted!
- Anya, - the girl answered cautiously.
- Can I sit with you?
- Yes, of course…
- Can you tell me about yourself?
In response, silence.
- Okay, then I will! – the guy began cheerfully. – I play volleyball, I play guitar. I compose songs and I really dream that someone will sing them!
- Why can't you do it yourself?  - Anya asked timidly.
- And I damaged my vocal cords as a child, now there is no voice.
- Oh, sorry…
- It's nothing, forget it! Better tell me why I noticed you for the first time during the year of study?!
- Consider it my talent to be invisible, – the girl grinned.
- And what, you don't have any friends at all?!
- No. But I don't really need…
- Well, no, it won't work that way! It's not good for such a beautiful girl to be alone!
Hearing such a compliment, Anya blushed. Noticing this, the young man laughed, but then seriously asked:
- Have you never been complimented?
The girl shook her head negatively.
- And it's okay for you to live like this? Without friends, without compliments?
- Suits me. In fact, you're the first person to notice my presence at all.
- How so?! - Roma rolled his eyes.
- Like I said, you can consider invisibility my superpower.
- Do you communicate with anyone at all?
- Nope.
- Then I'll help you find friends! – the guy cheerfully got up from his chair and pulled Anya with him.
- Um, no, - the girl pulled her hand away. – I don't need them.
The guy stood for a couple of seconds in a stupor, then sadly replied "As you want" and left. After that, Anya exhaled with relief and began to write again.
Meanwhile, Roma was walking slowly down the corridor and desperately trying to figure out how to help his new friend. He definitely didn't like that the girl was constantly alone and wasn't friends with anyone at all.
"Everyone needs friends!" the guy thought. – "No one should be alone."
Roma watched Anya all day and kept thinking how to get her to talk to at least someone. And so, at the end of the day, he found a reason.
After lessons, the young man decided to take a walk in order to clear his head after many hours of reflection. He walked the streets, looking at people and remembering all about the lonely girl.
Suddenly Roma realized that he was walking past a children's center. Through the large windows, he saw a group of guys celebrating someone's birthday. It was obvious from their faces that everyone was happy. And the guy came up with an idea.

Beautiful Handwriting!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя