4. two

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Steve pulled into the parking lot of Hawkins High, Robin jumping out of the car and grabbing her instrument trunk.

"Hey, wait up!" she yelled at her friends. "Thanks for the ride, Stevo. See you, Cammax," Robin said, hurrying off after her friends.

Max got out of the car, putting her walkman on her belt.

"Thanks, Steve," she said.

"Have a good day, Max. Are you two going to the game tonight?" he asked.

"Don't know," Cammie said, opening the car door.

"Hey, Cam, wait a sec," Steve said.

Cammie got out of the car and walked to his rolled down window, leaning her arms against the door and looking at him. Max turned to talk to the guidance counsellor, who had called her name, giving Cammie a bit of privacy with Steve.

"You sure you're okay? You look tired," Steve said quietly.

"I'm fine. Promise," Cammie said quietly. Steve nodded.

"Okay. Oh, uh, mom said you have to stay at home tonight. Dad said Max can stay, too. You two okay to walk home?" Steve asked.

"Our boards are in the trunk. I'll grab them," Cammie said.

"Okay. I'll be home later," Steve said.

"Okay," Cammie said.

She walked to the trunk and grabbed hers and Max's skateboards, putting hers on the floor and stepping onto it. She pushed off towards Max.

"I love you," Steve called.

Cammie looked over her shoulder, smiling weakly at her big brother as she put her headphones around her neck.

"Love you, too," Cammie said.

She skated over to Max and threw Max's board onto the ground. Max stepped onto it and pushed off, the two of them skating towards the school building.

"Gotta see her after lunch," Max muttered, "Missed yesterday's session," she said.

Cammie nodded, her free hand coming up to pull her hoodie to completely cover the scar on her neck from anyone who would look at her. They jumped off their boards as they reached the doors to the school, putting them under their arms as they walked inside and towards the gym, frowns on both of their faces.

Cammie shoved kids out of her way as she walked across the bleachers to where Dustin and Mike were stood for the pep rally. Max followed behind Cammie, both of them wearing their headphones to block out the obnoxious school band.

Cammie stopped beside Mike and crossed her arms over her chest, pulling her headphones around her neck and nodding hello at the boys.

"Hey," Dustin said. "Steve drop you off?" he asked. Cammie nodded. "Cool," Dustin said.

Cammie nodded.

"Are you sure you're not coming to California tomorrow?" Mike looked at Cammie. She nodded. "I know Will probably misses you. El does. She asks about you in every letter. You haven't been calling," Mike said.

"She can't talk. How the fuck is she gonna make a phone call?" Dustin muttered.

"She can talk. She just doesn't," Mike whispered back.

"She writes them both letters every week, dickwads," Max said.

Cammie rolled her eyes at the three of them, tapping a reply on Mike's hand.

"Your mom isn't letting you go and you've told Will. Okay," Mike said.

"And let's hear it for your Tigers!" the basketball coach yelled into the microphone.

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