Old Memories

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Part 3, enjoy, feel free to criticize    ≡(▔﹏▔)≡


-blood          -threatening          -mentions of r

There will be a lot of this through out the story so if you don't like this kind of thing i suggest you don't read, sorry and thank you.

Nobody's pov

Bakugou had to hold back from crying anymore, he knew what todoroki was saying was true, he never lied to bakugou, and if bakugou lied to him he would get punished, his punishments could be extremely painful and cruel but when bakugou did follow his rules it wasn't to bad, todoroki is carrying bakugou through the building and it's pretty quiet until todoroki speaks

Todoroki-remember when we first met kitten?


Todoroki-what happened then?

Bakugou-y-you came up to me outside of my s-school and a-asked me what my name was

Todoroki-and then what did you do?

Bakugou-...c-called you a weirdo and walked away...

Todoroki-well done! I'm happy you remember baby

Bakugou-b-but you said before that y-you'd saw me earlier than that

Todoroki-you're right, i'd met you months before that and i couldn't help but want to know everything about you, and the more i learned the more i fell in love with you katsu

Bakugou's pov

Why did it have to be me this psycho chose, but this time at least someone saw me, i might be able to get away faster, before i knew it we were outside of ua and just on a random street, i have no idea how he got us out because whilst we were still in the training building he told me to close my eyes or i'd 'upset him', in other words if i open my eyes he'll burn me again or worse, i clung onto him shaking slightly, i don't get scared easily but ever since he showed up yesterday i haven't been able to stop shaking

Todoroki-kitten~ you're eyes are still closed arn't they~

Bakugou-y-yes shoto

Todoroki-good boy, we're almost there so you can open them soon


It's been ages i've almost fallen asleep a few times, at least an hour anyway, i forget how strong todoroki was, not that i can call him that, it reminds him to much of his father and that's one thing i remember i should never bring up

Bakugou-a-are you sure you're not tired s-shoto, i-i could walk-

Todoroki-i'm fine kat, i could hold you for hours, i'm not letting you get away this time

Bakugou-y-you're gonna leave my classmates alone arn't you..?

Todoroki-we'll see kat, for now we're here

I hear him open a door and it scrapes across the floor, he steps forward and closes the door again, he keeps walking and i hear another door open and close

Todoroki-alright kat, you can open your eyes now~

I do but it doesn't take long for my eyes to adjust to the dim lit room, i look around and my eyes widen in horror, i quickly turn back around and bury my face into shotos chest, tears pricking my eyes as memories flood in

Todoroki-aw, what's wrong love?

Bakugou-w-why h-h-here again...a-and w-who's t-t-that

I was referring to the body I saw in one of the corners. He brought me back to the same place I was trapped in a year ago, the same god damn room...

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