The Punishment

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-mentions of harm, gore and blood -gaslighting

A few minutes later shoto comes back in and feeds me before leaving completely telling me to rest, i lay down on the cold floor but sleeping is the last thing on my mind, i eventually manage to fall asleep and the next time i wake up i was wrapped in a warm embrace, i freaked out forgetting where i was and pushed them off

Bakugou-what the-!

I froze when i saw shoto smirking at me, fear filling me like an infection spreading to every inch of my body

Bakugou-i-i'm s-sorry sho i-i forgot where i w-was

Todoroki-hm, come back and i might forgive you

I crawl back over to him, sitting in his lap shaking slightly, he wraps his arm around me, the other one playing with my hair again

Bakugou-i'm s-sorry, it won't happen a-again

Todoroki-it's ok~ i won't hurt you just yet kitten, i wouldn't want you hating me would i?


Todoroki-come on now, relax for me

I take in some deep breaths and manage to calm down the shaking a bit, but how could I fully relax when I know what's coming...

Todoroki-you know katsuki


Todoroki-i've decided what your punishment should be


Todoroki-yeah, for leaving

There it was, the nightmare i haven't been able to stop thinking about since i saw him the other day

Bakugou-w-what i-i-is it..?

Todoroki-you'll find out soon enough, you should be having lots of punishments but i thought i would be nice and just give you one big one, aren't you happy you can just get them over and done with, then we can just enjoy ourselves!

happy?...HAPPY!? I still have nightmares about your punishments and 'big' just means a lot worse and a lot more painful, w-will i actually be able to hold out until someone finds m-me?

Bakugou-y-yes sho



Every part of my body is in agony, i can't move, face stained with tears...i can see shoto doing something with the knife from out of the corner of my eye, he's smiling, figures

Todoroki-oh how i've missed those screams of yours kitty, so full of pain and despair, this is fun isn't it?

Sure, it was real fun having a scorching hot blade dragged across my skin and cut into me, cauterizing the wound as it makes it, he loves to see me bleed so this was purely to torture me, a way to get back at me for escaping

Todoroki-are you ready to continue~

Bakugou-p-please n-n-no...i-i can't

Todoroki-This is your fault katsuki.

Bakugou-i-i kno-ow but-

Todoroki-stop begging, you know better than that

Bakugou-i-i can't t-take much more

Todoroki-i'm not giving you a choice

He walked back over and i saw the glowing blade in his hand, he knelt down to my level and roughly grabbed my jaw, grinning like a maniac he moved my head harshly putting the blazing knife closer to my neck

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