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-Stockholm syndrome


Todoroki-i love your hair so much kitty


Todoroki-is something wrong dear?

Bakugou-c-can you take the chains off?

Todoroki-you know i can't do that-

bakugou-please, o-only for a while, t-they're really sore...

Todoroki-...ok kitten, only this once

Bakugou-thank you

I sit forward and he gets up from behind me, getting a key off of the table and unlocking the chains, i rub my wrists noticing how red and raw they are, i think shoto notices too

Todoroki-would you like me to get you a bandage for that kitten?

Bakugou-i-it's ok

Todoroki-are you lying to me?

Bakugou-...y-yes, i w-would appreciate them t-thank you

Todoroki-better, i will be back in a minute then

A few minutes later he's cuddling me again, i have bandages on my wrists, ankles and neck

Todoroki-are you comfortable?

Bakugou-yeah...t-thank you for this

Todoroki-of course suki

He lets be draw again for a while before i notice he's fallen asleep behind me, his grip also slipped from my waist...i could get away right now, find help, my legs are much better than a few days ago, i could- i'm pulled out of my thoughts when i hear shoto say something

Bakugou-sho? Are y-you awake?

No answer, i wait for a few seconds and he says something else, it's quiet but being this close I can hear it fine, he's just repeating the word no, is he having a nightmare?

I get off his lap and turn around, putting my things to the side, looking at him he is clearly in distress, i'm not too sure about what to do though

Bakugou-s-shoto?...Sho y-you need to wake up...

That's not helping, i try to reach out but he hits my hand away, he's getting worse...maybe...i lean into his face, kissing him softly, he stops moving around so much, both of my hands were on the floor either side of his to keep me up but that quickly changed when i felt him kiss back, he pulls me onto his lap and i yelp breaking away from the kiss, he's looking at me smirking

Todoroki-what was that for kitty?

Bakugou-i-i was trying to wake you u-up, sorry

Todoroki-you don't need to apologise katsu, i appreciated it

Bakugou-...a-are you ok now?


He kissed me again and kept doing so for a while, when he finally pulled away he was smiling nicely again, i smiled back happy...happy? I was happy? Why am I happy, i-it doesn't make any sense...but i'm still smiling, and leaning back in...

Bakugou-i love you sho

Todoroki-i love you to kitten~

Right...i do love him don't i? I don't want to leave, never again

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