I'm sorry!

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-violence          mentions of blood          -threatening          -panic attack


A week later

...i-i don't know what i did wrong, h-he was happy, i-i was happy...shoto got really angry at me a few days ago when he came back, and he's given me more punishments, for no reason i can think of, in the past few days than he has in the past few months. I managed to keep kiyoko and her family moderately safe but I can tell he's going to snap soon. I-i'm scared and i don't u-understand why, he w-wouldn't hurt me i-intentionally...would he?

I stayed laid on the floor in the small pool of my blood from where shoto had thrown me onto the ground and made several deep cuts on my body. It hurt badly and I didn't have the strength to move. He left me here a few minutes ago, i tried begging him to stop but it just made it worse. He hates begging, stupid katsuki. I heard the door open and when I looked up I was met by shotos cold gaze, i almost started crying there and then, it was like i was stuck in that room again, his eyes burning through me.

Todoroki-get up katsuki

Bakugou-s-sho i-i-

Todoroki-that wasn't a suggestion.

I bit the inside of my cheek to hold back the tears and prepare for the unimaginable pain I was about to feel again. I grabbed onto a piece of furniture close to me and winced in pain from the cuts on my arms, before trying to pull myself up in one quick motion. I did so and immediately cried out in pain, almost falling back down when shoto caught me. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore with the agony i was in

Bakugou-w-why...i-it hurts s-so bad shoto, w-what d-id i do?

Todoroki-you wouldn't be in pain if you had done as i told you, this is your fault.

Bakugou-p-please tell me w-what i did wro-ng

He sighs clearly annoyed, why won't he just tell me?

Todoroki-i should kill that damn family, forcing me to do this

K-kill them?...i knew they weren't safe b-but would he really just do that?

Bakugou-p-please don't-

Todoroki-whenever someone else is involved you start causing problems, if i kill them then you will be mine again.

Bakugou-b-but i am yours, i-i didn't know i w-was doing anything w-wrong-

Todoroki-stop katsuki.

I shut up, tears in the corner of my eyes, he picks me up and carries me into a spare bedroom upstairs, placing me on it

Todoroki-you can bandage yourself up, i'm leaving, don't go out of this room

He throws some bandages on to the bed before leaving, slamming the door closed, i hear it lock and start to cry, this is just like that room...kiyoko was right he is going to kill them, i-i really don't want them to die b-because of me...

I grab the bandages and wrap myself up, it doesn't do a lot on some of the cuts because I definitely needed stitches on them, shoto would usually have done that...when i'm done i lay back down and see a phone out of the corner of my eye, just a normal house phone so there wouldn't be a password...no what are you thinking, you can't betray him like that he's already mad at you!

A few more days pass and he keeps me in the room isolated. I hope kiyoko is safe, he comes in to feed me but he's still really mad at me. I know he's going to take it out on someone again but I don't know whether it would be me or them anymore, a-and if it was them?...

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