The new guy?!

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(Warning: Grammar)
"Talking" (Thoughts)

    "What do I do?! WHAT DO I DO?!" A sunflower cried. Panicking as she looks around the front yard, tying to find any weapon near her to defend herself and a injured human child as zombies walked towards them. Sunflower held the child tightly as tears roll down her face.

    (I don't wanna die, I don't want child to die. I wanna live, they need to live. Someone, anyone, us) All of a sudden a gunshots can be heard from a distance. Sunflower cried in fear, covering the child making sure they're safe.

Sunflower view:
    "Hey, are you okay?" A voiced came up behind me. I didn't looked up, in fear they would kill me and the child. "I'm not gonna hurt you miss. I promise I won't!" the voice sounded like a guy? I looked up to see a guy with light green hair, wearing a green jacket in front of me.

    I sat there in fear clutching the child closer to me. "W-who are you?" I managed to croaked those few words, tears still rolling down. "I'll tell you later when we get inside of the kid's house," he said smiling. Holding out his hand for me to grab. My hands started to shake as I reach for his.

    We soon heard moaning and grumbling. "Close your eyes, okay?" The mysterious green haired guy said. I put my head down and closed my eyes. I heard gun shoots and zombies growling. I started to slowly move backwards, trying to get behind one of the lawnmower.

    Soon I heard multiple gunshots. (Why are there multiple gunshots? How many guns does this guy have???) I wanted to look, but I don't wanna go against his words. I sat there for a few minutes before the gunshots went quiet. I looked up to see multiple zombies dead. The man turned around and walked towards me.

    "Shall we go in now?" He said, reaching his hands towards me. Still in fear and shocked I took his hand. He helped me up and walked me to the front door. "Ladies and child first," he said, opening the door. (Was the door unlocked this whole time!?) "DAVE!?" I looked up to see the Mistress.

"Sunflower, what happened?? Why is he hurt?!" I looked at the Mistress. "We were attacked by zombies, he got hurt while running away. The guy next to me helped us get here. I...I couldn't do anything to protect him or myself. We would've died if it wasn't for him," tears falling from my eyes once again. "I'm so sorry Miss! I'll do better next ti-"

"Sunflower, it's alright. The important part is that you're both safe now." I looked up thanking her. She soon turned to look at the guy next to me. "HONEY THE NEW GUY IS HERE!" She yelled. "The new guy?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Yes, the person right next to you is the new guy. Also can you please take Dave to the bathroom and start cleaning and bandaging his wounds?" I did what I was told and took Dave to the 2nd floor bathroom. (I didn't know we were getting a new guy... I didn't know they were hiring a person. As far as I know I was the only person they hired before and after the zombie attacks.)

I can hear the new guy and Dave's parents talking as I walked out the bathroom with Dave. I walked to his room and changed his clothing. I placed him in bed so he could rest better. I walked to my room to change my dirty uniform. I walked to my closet to grabbed another uniform.

As soon as I was done I walked downstairs. "Sunflower, I want you to meet one of the new guards. Dave's Dad said. I nodded and walked towards the dinning room where the mistress was talking to the green hair man. "Sunflower, meet Peashooter, Peter the Peashooter," Dave's Dad said happily.

    "Hello Again Sunflower. Since we'll be working together you can call me Peashooter, or Pea for short." I looked at him nervously, gave him a little nod and a wave. "I-it's nice meeting you too. I guess you can just call me Sunflower... Oh! I wanted to thank you for saving me and Dave earlier."

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