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We all walk together to the front of the school and start to walk off back home.

"Where you going?" Alahna asks me.

"Home?" I say hesitantly.

"Nuh uh, we're going to they're house. You didn't think we'd leave you after did you?" She asks.

"No, I just assumed we'd go over after the boys were done showering and shit" I say.

"Just come on Allie" nick yells from inside the van.

I say nothing and walk back over to the van climbing in the back with Nick and Alahna, chris and Matt were in the front. Apparently Matt is always the driver because he's the only one with a license and Chris just likes to sit in the passenger seat.

On the ride to the triplets house chris had the aux cord and he played music the whole way there. Matt had opened the windows all they way and cranked the music way to loud as we drove.

Honestly it was great, Nick Alahna and I were jamming in the back seat singing along and dancing while chris and Matt were doing the same thing up front, Matt was way more careful about it though.

Every once and a while I would look up and see either chris or Matt looking at me from either the mirror or them turning around quickly.

Finally we had arrived at they're house and we all go out of the van, Matt had locked at and we all walked up the steps to the front door.

"Can someone hold onto my bag for a minute while I unlock the door please?" Chris asks slightly struggling.

"Sure" I say as I grab his bag from him and sling it onto my shoulder while he unlocks the door for everyone to go inside.

"Thanks" he said as he smiled, when he did little dimples became present on his freckled face.

I stood there for a moment just admiring him, I didn't notice anything else until he began to wave his hand in front of my face.

"What?" I ask.

"You zoned out pretty bad" he said.

"Shit sorry, uh here tho" I say as my cheeks started to heat up slightly.

"Thanks" he said.

"Yeah of course" I say.

He immediately went upstairs and left me down here with Nick and Alahna which were already starring at me with huge smiles on their faces.

"What?" I ask.

"You've got a thing for Chris don't you" nick says smiling at me.

"What? No? I don't know what you guys are talking about" I say quickly.

"You totally do Allie, I seen you blush just before you guys walked in" Alahna points out the blush still apparent on my face.

"Okay, you guys are fishing for something that's not even there" I tell them.

"Whatever you say Allie, we all know it and sooner or later something will happen" nick says.

"Whatever nick" I say as I chuckle a bit.

It's been about half an hour since we got to the sturniolo house and I was getting a bit impatient just sitting around waiting.

I get up and walk upstairs with no clue on where I'm going, hoping to find the bathroom though. As I'm walking down the halls I see how it's scattered with pictures of the boys from babies up until now.

I take a second and admire all of them and just look at how happy they all seem to be in them.

"Hey" Matt says as he comes and stands beside me.

"Hi" I say smiling at him slightly.

Looking at him with his hair slightly damp and almost covering his eyes. My heart skips a beat just looking at the boy and his big blue eyes.

"Whatcha looking at?" He asks me.

"Old pictures of you're family I guess" I slightly shrug looking at the boy.

He just smiles at me and points to a picture in the wall.

"This is from our Vegas trip, we were probably like thirteen or fourteen in this" he says.

"You guys looked even more alike then than you guys do now" I say.

"Look at the ones of us as baby's" he chuckles.

"Woah, I can't even tell you guys apart. You guys were so frickin cute" I say smiling.

"And now you're implying that we aren't now?" He says raising his eyebrow.

"That's not what I meant-" I start to say before he cuts me off mid sentence.

"Relax Allie, I'm just joking" he laughs.

"Jerk" I laugh.

Chris comes out of his room with damp hair as well and walks over to Matt and I.

"You guys ready to go?" He asks us.

"Yeah" we say in unison.

We walk downstairs together motion for nick and Alahna to come and we were finally out the door.

We get to the car and apparently Alahna is sitting in the front and Chris is in the back with nick and I??? This is different, I've never seen him take the backseat before.

We all buckle in and Matt starts driving, Alahna turns on the radio starts to hum to the songs playing.

"Where are we going, Matt?" I ask.

"We're going for ice cream, we've always gone after our games" he says.

"It's sort of become a tradition" chris adds on.

"I think it's sweet" I smile.

We all sit and listen to the music playing while we wait to get to the ice cream shop.

Once we get there we all unbuckle and rush out of the van into the store. Everyone scans over the menu deciding on what to choose.

I choose mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone. Everyone tells the cashier what they'd like and so do I.

We patiently wait for our ice cream and the boys scarf it down like it's the last in the world.

"Jesus, you guys it's not going anywhere" I giggle.

"It's so fucking good though" nick says while eating his ice cream.

"Boys" Alahna says while rolling her eyes.

We look at each other and laugh to ourselves. Once we were done and the boys had cleaned their faces we were back in the van on the way back to the triplets house to chill and watch movies.

~Time Skip~

Once we were back at the house we sat down next to each other and had fuzzy blankets to cover up with.

Nick grabbed the remote and went onto Disney plus to play something. After ten minutes nick had finally picked out gravity falls for us to watch together.

We were watching tv for a good couple of hours before the boys had passed right the fuck out.

Alahna leans over and whispers to me so only I can hear.

"You know, it's not a bad thing to like both of them" she says as she winks at me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask with a raised brow.

"You know what I mean" she says.

"Nope" I say popping the p at the end.

"It's okay to like them both, I did at some point" she shrugs.

And with that she leans back over and goes to sleep.

Which leaves me sitting in this colossal mess right now. I have a million thoughts racing through my mind but one of which is more louder than others.

Do I really like them both?

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