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It's been a couple months since I've been friends with Lana, Nick, Matt and Chris. It was now mid October and I was currently costume shopping with Lana for Halloween.

I've really been struggling these past couple months with anxiety so Lana thinks it'd be good for me to go with her to a party. I on the other hand think that'll make it worse but it'll make Lana happy so I'll go.

Lana and I have split up looking for our own costumes and I have no idea what I want to be. I don't wanna be the cliche angel or devil or the slutty cheerleader or nurse. I just want something cool and cute.

Lana comes running up to me with multiple items in her basket smiling.

"What'd you pick out?" I ask curiously.

"You'll have to wait for Halloween" she tells me.

"Well it's only a few days away" I say smirking at her.

"Have you found anything yet?" She asks me.

"Uh I'm not to sure yet" I tell her.

Lana walks over a little bit further down the aisle and grabs two bags and holds them up for me.

"How about one of these?" She asks me.

"Mhm sorry no, it seems a little to cheesy" I tell her.

She puts them back and continues walking down the aisle looking for more. I decided to walk around a bit more looking for anything else that caught my eye.

As I'm walking I see no costumes that interest me but little items that I could make into one. I grab each item and put them into my basket and quickly walk to the checkout line.

I go ahead and pay for my things just as Lana walks up to me with her costume already payed for.

"So? Any luck?" She asks me.

"Mhm, but you'll have to wait till Halloween" I laugh a bit.

"We'll, I'm sure I'll like it a plus the boys will to" she laughs.

"Lana! Shush" I tell her not wanting to get on the topic of the boys and I.

Nothing's wrong it's just that Lana thinks I have a thing for both Matt and Chris! It's crazy how she thinks that. I mean yes, I spend a lot of time with each of the boys separately but that doesn't mean I like them?

Anyways, Lana and I were now back in her car blasting Taylor swift. She was dropping me back off at the triplets house.

The next song that played was you belong with me by Taylor swift and I immediately turned it up. Lana rolled down the windows and continued driving as we both sang loudly.

Finally we pulled up to the house and Lana popped the trunk so I could grab my stuff.

"I'll see you later" I tell her.

"Bye!" She yells as she pulls out of the driveway waving.

I wave back at her and walk into the house, I'm immediately greeted with nick hugging me.

"Hey, nick" I say laughing at bit.

"God, I've missed you" he tells me.

"I've only been gone for like an hour" I say.

"So? What'd you get" He asks trying to look in the bag.

"You'll just have to wait" I say moving his hand away from the bag.

I've still been staying at the triplets house until I can find my own place. I've been avoiding Colton and my parents for good reason but they just keep trying to ruin everything good I have.

I don't really have a room here so I just switch up rooms, for a couple nights I'm either sleeping in chris or Matt's room. I don't really sleep in nicks because he likes his privacy and his room is super fucking cold.

I walk upstairs and into Chris's room to see him sitting at his desk with his AirPods in. I gently set my bag down beside the door and walk up behind chris and wrap my hairs around his neck and set my head on top of his.

He stops and pauses his music taking out his AirPods and setting them on the table. He takes his hands and places them on my arms. I remove my arms from around him and he gets up from his chair.

He immediately hugs me and starts to spin me around, I wrap my arms around his neck holding on tighter as he spins.

After Chris was done spinning me I hold onto his shoulders trying to keep my balance.

"What was that for?" I ask Chris.

"I missed you, that's what it was for" he tells me.

"You guys act like I'm gone all day" I laugh a bit.

"That doesn't mean I can't miss you even when you're gone for a short time" he tells me.

"Whatever you say" I shrug laughing a bit.

"What did you get?" Chris asks me.

"That's none of your business, Christopher" I tell him.

"Please?" He asks.

"Nope, you'll just have to wait like everyone else" I tell him.

Chris groans and sits back down at his chair, I walk out of his room and walk into Matt's. I slightly knock waiting for an answer.

After I know it's okay to enter I open the door and close it behind me.

"Hey" I say walking towards Matt.

"Hi" he smiles.

As I sit on Matt's bed I lay on my back so that my feet are still on the ground. Matt does the same and turns to look at me.

Matt just continues to stare at me with those big blue eyes and a crooked smile.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I ask Matt.

"Hmm?" He hums.

"I asked why do you keep looking at me like that?" I ask one again.

"No reason" he slightly shrugs.

"Sure" I say sarcastically.

"Are you staying in Chris's room tonight?" Matt asks me.

"I was planning on it, why?" I asks him.

"Oh uh- I was just wondering if you wanted to stay with me?" Matt asks hesitantly.

"Or why don't I stay with you for the weekend? I can stay after the Halloween party?" I ask him.

"Yeah, that's okay" Matt says with a smile on his face.

"Okay" I say smiling at him.

"What are you going as for the Halloween party?" Matt asks me.

"It's a secret" I smirk a bit.

"Oh come on, you can tell me" he says.

"Still a no" I say.

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