You'll always be mine (Final Extra Chapter)

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It was a cold night when Madeleine asked Espresso to go to a restaurant for a date. Though it seemed strange for Espresso because normally, his boyfriend would ask him out on his day off. He just went along with it.

"You okay?" Espresso asked as he noticed Madeleine's feet bouncing up and down repeatedly.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine don't worry about me." Madeleine said as he takes a sip of water.

"Are you sure? You're sweating, should we ask to turn up the air-conditioning?" Espresso asked, clearly worried.

"No it's fine, it's actually pretty cold. I guess I'm just a bit nervous." Madeleine confessed.

"Nervous? Madeleine, we've been in dates for as long as we can remember, why would you be nervous now?" Espresso asked.

"Well, maybe it's because I'm kind of waiting for something." Madeleine said scratching the back of his neck.

"What is it? You know you can tell me anything." Espresso said comforting his boyfriend.

"It's far more complicated than that actually." Madeleine said as he flinched to his partners touch.

"Try me." Espresso said stoic-ly.

"Alright. Ummm...." Madeleine said thinking before standing up. He stood in front of his partner and hold both his hands.

"Your hands are sweating." Espresso said.

"I know." Madeleine said chuckling before Espresso finally took the hint and stood up as well.

Before Espresso knew it, Madeleine was already down on his knee. Espresso buffered for a second before realising what was happening.

"Espresso. On the day I lost you, I felt like I lost everything. You became my stepping stool on being a better man. You've taught me a lot of things that made me shape who I am today and I'm willing to learn more with you, forever." Madeleine said in adoration.
"So I'm asking you, Espresso, will you be by my side until death do us part?" He added as he pulled out a red velvet box with a ring in it. Though, it wasn't diamond or any expensive crystals, but Madeleine already knows that his lover will hate the fact of wearing one. He likes to keep everything simple.

"Why is that a question? Of course I will you knucklehead!" Espresso said pulling up his boyfriend, now fiancé, up and kissed his lips.

The two went home after the cheesy yet romantic proposal. As they went in, they both discussed minor things about their wedding such as the venue and honeymoon. When they arrived at their bedroom, Madeleine waits as always and let's Espresso shower first. But this time, Espresso seemed hesitant to ask for something before entering the bathroom.

"Umm..." Espresso said with a red face.

"What is it? Are you alright?" Madeleine asked in concern.

"Well, I've been thinking. What if know.." Espresso said finding it hard to spill out the proper words.

"You want me to come with you, don't you?" Madeleine asked as he stood up from the bed.

"Yeah..if you want to." Espresso said with an embarrassed face.

"Wow detective, I didn't take you for a shy type when it comes to this." Madeleine said jokingly.

"You know what forget it. I'll go first." Espresso said with an annoyance tone.

"No no no wait I'm kidding, I'm coming." Madeleine said as he rushed to follow his fiancé.

Both of them splashing water and playing around the bathroom for the sake of getting rid of their exhaustion and it worked. They finally settled down after a couple of minutes and took turns scrubbing each others back.

You're always mine | Espresso x Madeleine [Might Rewrite Soon]Where stories live. Discover now