Prince Charming is a. . . bunny?

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Prince Charming is a. . . bunny?

Chapter 1 - Cute? Oh, I wish

Ethan's POV

"Oh Ethan, can't you be a handsome boy like your brother?" asked my mother.

That was just one of many times she asked me. She asks me the same question every hour, which I don't really understand. I understood the message that I was an ugly man, but did she have to remind me very frequently? It's bad enough that my older and handsomer brother Liam already bullies me. And now he is the star of the family who everyone loves? Is it all about looks these days?

Yes, I admit, I'm jealous. But wouldn't you be jealous if the ones you love insulted you and judged you everyday and the person you despise was the one getting all the love? I bet you would be jealous. I bet on how many times that my mother has called me ugly that you would be jealous.

"It's not my fault, mom," I answered, as usual.

It truly wasn't my fault. She was the woman who gave birth to me; her flesh, her blood. And she thought I was ugly? My dad and she were the ones who MADE me. But I guess that's what happens when you're the second oldest, I guess. You get all the left over looks that the older one left behind when he came out from mother.

I took the laundry that mother was trying to hand to me, as she was telling me that I as ugly.

I smiled a half smile at her as I said "Thank you, mother."

"Yeah, yeah," She answered.

I felt hurt. She was becoming more and more like Liam everyday. It's so sad. First, my father becomes a duplicate of Liam, even the bulling. And now, my mother!

She walked out the door quickly, rushing off somewhere else. I sighed. It's not like anyone would want to stay or talk to me anyway.

I decided to order some room service to cure my boredness.

Yes, I said room service.

No, I'm not in a hotel.

I'm the Prince of Kerinthia. Kerinthis is sort of like England. Except no one doesn't really know where we're located. I am Prince Ethan Poridolo, 2nd in line for the throne, after my obnoxius brother, of course. Unless he has kids. Which I assume he will, judging by the number of girls he sneaks home whenever mother and father have left for work. But then again, he is in charge so whatever happens will be blamed on him. But, when is anything ever blamed on the 'greatest man alive'?

The maids came in with my dinner, which was Chicken Stir Fry, the way I like it. But it looked sort of different. . . Wait. . .

I did a few tests to see if there was any poison, chemicals, or anything that would affect me.

There was some sort of chemical that would make me lose my hair, a poisoning that would make me sick for a week, another chemical that would somehow turn my hair some sort of color!

Does he really hate me that much?

What have I ever done to him?

I always think about that at night: What have I done?

I always go through my brain and try to think of something I've done in my childhood to upset him, but I came up with nothing. Nothing at all.

We had our occasional sibling fight, but nothing serious.

It was like taking each others markers, who gets it first, or who wins.

I'm not close to Liam, but I know he wasn't the type of perosn to hold a grudge.

At least I hope he was.

I sighed and dumped the food in the trash and I called the kitchen.

"Liam Poridolo, heir to the throne speaking," answered Liam, Mr. Royal pain-in-my-arse

I clentched my teeth and said, "Liam, what the hell did you do to my food?"

"Tsk. Tsk, Ethan. We musn't say such bad words to the future king, shan't we?" He answered, arrogantly.

"Shan't isn't even a word, smart one," I growled.

He laughed and said "Well, I think it's a word. So it is."

I rolled my eyes at his concitedness.

"Still, what did you do to my food?" I persisted.

"Me? Food? Nothing! I was in my office all day studing problems in the village, like a nice, thoughtful person would do," He answered, in the same arrogant tone.

"Nice? Thoughtful? Who ever knew there would come a day that you would ACTUALLY be like that," I answered, with the same arrogant tone he had.

He growled and said "Don't be fresh with me."

I laughed and said "Like you haven't?"

He growled. "At least I'm not an ugly freak that my parents HATE,"

Now that, hit a nerve.

"At least I'm not crowded with paparazzi everyday," I said back.

He was silent.

I smiled in victory, knowing I hit a nerve as well.

"Shut up," Was his great response.

I laughed. "Make me, 'Liam Poridolo, heir to the throne'," I mocked.

He eventually hung up on me and I laughed some more.

Then I realized we never really did talk about the food.


That arrogant piece of-

"Prince Liam, Queen Elizabeth and King Jeremy are looking for you. Please report to the main building," The speaker said.

I snickered as I imagined him sighing but quickly covering it up by smiling and walking proudly to the main building. But I knew he would glare at my parents as soon as the doors close. Yet, they still love them.

I just don't understand why.

I decided I'd listen to some American music for a while. The speakers boomed with music.

"Bottoms up

Bottoms up

Ay what's in your cup

Got a couple bottles but a couple ain't enough"

I made a cool face sort of and bounced around to the beat. And then when the girl ,who I think I was named Nicki, rapped her part, I always imagined I was saying the eff you part to Liam. I've had so many nice dreams about him getting hurt in numerous ways.

Then, the speaker said something I couldn't comprehend since I was listening to music. Then I felt a buzz in my pocket. It buzzed 5 times. Aw! That meant I had to go to the main building too. . . Oh what now?


Like it? Hate it?

New story: I had this idea awhile ago, I just waited until I was in the middle of the other story then I would get started on this. Yes, chapter 19 is just halfway through my other story. :)

I need at least um. . . 5-10 reads? Maybe 15? Then the next chapter will be up Friday:) I got somewhere to go tomorrow:)

Song: Eh, I guess Tonight Tonight? Since he thinks his life is crap?


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