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Author POV:

Miriam thought about her questions having a few in mind she decided to begin asking them.

"H-how did your mum pass?"

"..Her side of the family had Cancer death left right and centre. When we found she had cancer my dad paid for surgery and they got the cancer out. Two weeks later we found out they never got all of it so he paid for another surgery. But... She died on the table..."

Miriam was too stunned to speak. Her mother died such an unnatural way. Miriam thought of the next question.

"What was she like?"

"She was the most kindest person ever. She never yelled never treated anyone rudely or bad. She always had a smile on her face. The best mother ever."

Y/n took out a photo and showed it Miriam. Y/n now had tears rolling down

"She made toys for the sick kids at this hospital and we believed these toys were life savers because she 1: made them out of so much love 2: when these kids got these toys, the very next day they were cured and healthy"

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"She made toys for the sick kids at this hospital and we believed these toys were life savers because she 1: made them out of so much love 2: when these kids got these toys, the very next day they were cured and healthy"

"Wow, she sounds like a real like goddess"

"Heh, she was..."

"I'm really sorry about before, I didn't to come off as insensitive"

"Your fine, as I said I get quite agitated by the topic"

"I'm gonna go, and leave you two love birds alone"

Carter says and hugs his cousin goodbye then leaves the room.

The two sat next to each other. Y/n head resting one Miriam's shoulder. And Miriam's head resting on Y/n's. Suddenly Y/n got up and walked to her closet. She got out a ladder and put it into the middle of the room. Then she climbed up on it. She banged the ceiling a bit til a square price of the ceiling bounced up. She touched it pushing it up. She was able to stick her entire body in it. She came back out with a box in hand. She put it down on her desk and fixed up the ceiling. The box was relatively big but not so to call it big or medium.

She moved the ladder to the side hoping up onto the bed with the box in hand. She opened the lid and there was quite a bit in there. She pulled out a trophy from when she played soccer for her mother. And multiple photos of her family. One the stood out to Miriam. A photo of her mother and father kissing and her as a little girl with pigtails and a bear. A very new bear.

And her mother was definitely pregnant, at least 6 months.

"You have a little sibling?"

Miriam showed Y/n the picture she picked up and Y/n smiled sadly at it.

"No.. he died at birth when mum had to get a C section"

"Oh, I'm sorry, was that-"

"No, not when she died, that was way before she was sick"

"Oh, I see"

Y/n searched some more. She pulled out a drawing she drew of her entire family a person next to her holding hand. It somehow looked like Miriam, with the hair and everything it said my future wife above it. Y/n put it to the side and continued looking. She stopped when she found it. It was a video camera. With footage inside it. It was a Christmas night. The night she had to go back to the hospital. I leaned back next to Miriam again and showed her the footage. And I stopped it before anything bad started happening.

"Hey, is it okay if I see the rest, and you can continue to look through the box"


She handed her the film and looked through the box. She pulled out a base ball and a small base ball bat. And a hat. Y/n kept pulling out more things that bought back memories.

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