•Chapter 3•

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Suttons Pov
i haven't seen Reiner almost all night. me and Koe went up to the bar for Jack Daniels 10 minutes ago and I haven't seen Reiner once. I look at the shot in front of me and decide that I was done worrying about Reiner. He'll show up before we leave. I look at Koe who's staring to his right. I follow his gaze and see a brown haired woman who looked around 30 sitting at the bar sipping a margarita.

"you should go talk to her" I tell Koe. this snaps him out of his train of thought.

"huh?" he asks his eyes leaving the woman as his head turned to look at me.

" go talk to that lady" i say smiling at him.

"already have" he replies. around this point both of us are pretty drunk. one of us a little worse than the other. Koe obviously. and the time was 1:30 am.

time skip

it's currently 2:00 am and the bar just closed. Reiner still hasn't showed up and if i'm being honest i'm not too worried about him. Parker tells all the boys their welcome to stay at his place. Pecos and Read were both fucked up and couldn't walk straight. Koe was up there but not super bad. Hallie Ray was plastered and didn't even know where she was going. Parker was also pretty drunk but still good to drive.

"we got everyone" Parker asks as we all climb in the car. Pecos was in the seat behind the passenger, read was in the middle, and Koe was behind the drivers seat. and of course i was the one stuck on his lap.

I nod and lay my head on Koes chest. I was so tired from driving and partying that I didn't even care at the moment. I then threw my legs on the drunken singers and relax my body. out of nowhere Pecos gives me his phone

"me and Read want to be friends" he pauses and grabs Reads phone. Both screens showed Snapchat. I couldn't help but laugh and Koe did aswell. I add myself and then get on my phone to accept both friend requests.

"what the hell? what about me?" Koe fakes his sadness and scoffs. I grab his phone and add myself.

"there tit bag" i shove his phone in his hand. just as i do so my phone starts ringing. Riener.

I answer and put the phone to my ear. "why the fuck are you sitting on Koes lap. are you fucking cheating on me now? after everything i have done for you, you do this to me?" he screams in the phone. and i just sat there in shock. he continues "i'll meet you at Parker's. we're going home bitch."

i hung up the phone and leaned back onto Koe. so many thoughts were racing through my head and i didn't know how to react. 

"he shouldn't treat you like that" Koe leant down and whispered in my ear. not gonna lie it scared me when he started talking "oh i'm sorry for scaring you" he laughed a little.

i looked up at him. he was quite attractive. his eyes were a pretty shade of brown and his smile was perfect. i wish my drunken mind could explain it better.

"nobody should ever talk to you like that" the man continues "if you ever want out, text me. i promise ill be there." i smile at the gesture.

"it's just a rough patch right now" i mumble into the older mans chest. he smelt really good.

finally we made it to Parker's house and in the road sat my truck.


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