thirty seven

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four months later.

I pick up a few fries and bring them up to jay's mouth that she takes gladly as her hand rubs my waist softly, I send her a grin as I eat some myself.

we finish the fries together while standing outside and move away to throw the container in the nearest bin before she pulls me back into her arms.

I can't help the giggle that bubbles up in my throat as she peppers my face with kisses and picks me up with the back of my thighs, "my princess, you good baby?" she asks as her hand tucks my hair behind my ear.

"mmh, I'm good. I'm really good" I say with a nod as I sit in her folded arms underneath my ass to fiddle with her chain, "are you good?" I ask raising both my eyebrows but my eyes are stuck in the chain around her neck.

"I'm good. you're glowing, pretty smile, your hair is growing, your ass is getting fatter, you're just looking so good" my smile widens as I look up at her while she lists things about me.

"thank you, you play a very big part in that" I tell her wrapping my arms around her neck, "you're even more handsome, you're fitter, your dick is getting bigger and you smile more often" I say making her bust out laughing.

"thank you princess" I grin giving her a nod before looking behind her and I notice a few fans walking over, I give them a big wave with a smile making jay look back.

she places me down letting me run to them giving hugs, "hi you guys" I grin giving group hugs before stepping back to take to them.

"how are you guys doing? you good?" I ask them, they all give me answers even though I couldn't catch any because they're talking over each other.

"is that your girlfriend?" I look back at where they're pointing seeing jay patiently waiting on her phone making me chuckle and nod.

"can you get her to say hi to us please" I chuckle glancing over at jay, who happen to look up and gives me a soft smile, she gives the fans a wave making them freak out.

"baby, come here" she walks over to hook her arms around my neck, "hey, you guys are cute" she says when she sees the fans freak out but it only caused them to freak out even more making me laugh.

"oh my god, can I take a picture with you guys?" we nod and take some pictures with them before we had to leave.

"can we get to know her name?" one of the fans whispers to me making me laugh.

"one thing at a time" I say giving her a laugh, jay steps back and gives them waves. I give last hugs before jogging up to jay and take her hand while giving waves.

"gosh, you're fucking cute" jay says giving my hand a kiss, I bite back a smile looking up at her before I let out a squeal when she picks me up.

"sexy ass" she mutters making me giggle, she carries me back to the green room. "how much more time before you have to go do sound check?" she asks placing me on the counter.

"a good ten minutes" I whisper out placing my lips on hers.

"well good for you, I can do a lot in ten minutes" she tells me charmingly as she moves down to my neck and grabs hold of the hem of my shirt.

"oh I know baby, I just need you to show me again" I tell her as she eagerly takes off my shirt and bra and hers comes off too.

her lips wrap around my nipple while she squeezes the other making me moan, "Billie!" I jump slightly at the knocking off on the door.

"yes mom" I shout throwing my head back as jay moves down to my biker shorts.

"come on! sound check, we have been looking for you" I groan at that with jay laying her forehead against my thigh.

"come on dude, I just want some pussy" she whines making me giggle.

"yeah okay mom, can I have ten minutes please" I ask with a hopeful smile that was quickly killed making me roll my eyes as I put my bra back on and shirt.

"I'm really hating life right now, I haven't gotten any in what feels like forever" jay groans putting on her shirt and lays down.

"I know baby, I miss it too" I pout giving her a kiss, "but I gotta go" I tell her as I walk towards the door.

"have fun" she says giving me a wave and gets comfortable to sleep on the couch, I pout slightly as I exit the room and close the door.

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