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Why? ..It was because they found me.

-In the year 2899-

The countries of Sestonia and Alfen were generally newer countries, to me it is.

It was founded around the year 2162, along with 5 more countries including Rastadia and Atsile. These species seem to have a higher level of advancement and only showed themselves slowly after the dark war when the world was on a decline. They were called the origins. Like the name, they were the original beings that settled on Earth. One that we called aliens back in the day.

Now, these two countries are conspiring to invade half of Asia also they are part of East Central Asia.

This time I was definitely not going to meddle unlike what I did in the past but they found me first. They are threatening the life of my current closest friends.

One of them being Kyza.

They had a ZFID Missile, right above her apartment. Which meant it wasn't only her who was going to die. They gave me a little time to choose, two months.

**ZFID Missile is a concealed missile that could obliterate the whole building in a speed faster than light.**

By the new year, I should have made my decision.

So, I did what anyone would in my position. Find a way to freaking end my life. I lived long enough and I knew this wasn't going to be the last time they were going to do this.

I know since this wasn't the first.

What should I do??

..Father...Father might know what's wrong with me.

During the months, I went back to my ancestral home which was one of the oldest houses still standing. It was mostly because of me, I'd never fail to maintain it since that is where my precious memories hold.

In the dead of night, I climbed the house just to get to the highest window which led to the attic.

I got in and there I saw it in its worn-out glory, my father's desk. It was just like how I remembered it. How in the world is it still alive? I'll never know. Excellent carpentry I guess.

There has to be some sort of clue here as to why I am like this. Father wouldn't have written in the letter that he was sorry and that it was their fault for nothing.

While shuffling through the cabinets, I heard a thunk of an object that fell on the floor. I looked behind me to see the box my father was trying to hand to me back then.

I opened the Box and there was Father's letter...but there was another that I have never seen before. Another letter from Father.

It was cute to see that the father clearly had some typographical errors but this was freaking me out

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It was cute to see that the father clearly had some typographical errors but this was freaking me out. I didn't have enough time to react when I heard footsteps heading up to the attic. I made haste and picked everything up and jumped from the window.

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